The 3 Stages of Mastery (with a bonus stage)

By Razard86 in Personal Development -- [Main],
The Beginning Stage of Simplicity  When you are first exposed to something that you wish to pursue it seems simple enough, sure you don't know what you don't know but you are excited. As you continue on the path you make certain realizations and start to build your mental map to make sense of the thing you are pursuing. In the beginning you think it is simple. After constructing the map you pursue higher challenges and consistently you advance until you hit limits some call them thresh hold guardians or the boss for that stage. To overcome this boss/limit you need to drop a limiting belief. There is some belief you have that is incorrect and is causing you to keep hitting your head against the wall. Eventually through some discomfort you figure it out and continue on. The Stage of Growth of Ever Increasing Complexity This keeps happening over and over and over and as you go up through the levels your map gets more and more complicated and sophisticated. Eventually you reach a point where you are able to see so many perspectives, so many possibilities. At this point you are confused because even though you can see everything you don't know which perspective to adopt. You rack your brain and at this point in your search for the truth you realize the infinite nature of the thing you have been pursuing. So what is the solution? The Stage of Unification/Simplicity Ultimately all maps are tailored for the individual so you realize that you must adopt a perspective that is tailored for you. So you access your strengths and weaknesses and take your broad perspectival view and fit it like a glove to a hand to your nature in that field. This is the highest stage of the pursuer/player/actor of that field/game. At this point the player is producing their own individual laws and theories of how to navigate this field. Their perspective while tailored to them is flexible to be applied to others who might differ due to their ability to see universally in that particular field. This is the Stage of the Master. Bonus Stage: The Stage of the GrandMaster/Sage This individual desires to teach their mastery to others and through implementation and training of students they learn the pitfalls and traps that others may fall into (that they themselves might have forgotten) while also being able to see their field from fresh eyes (the eyes of their students) thus bringing them closer to the beginner mindset, when they did not know. Through their students they relearn their field, and relive their journey anew through a different perspective and gain greater knowledge as the changing of the times will impact the field of study they are teaching in some way. Thus the Grandmaster/Sage must update their field to be applicable and relatable to current modern times that differ when they Sage was developing. This will continue further until the Sage dies or retires.  If you notice the stages I listed are a cycle, all of life follows this pattern. From simple to complex, to simple to complex.  1. In the beginning one must learn through simplicity because they are not at a level yet to handle complexity 2. After sufficient experience and gradual increase in ability the complexity deepens and majority of growth. 3. Simplicity returns after much experience and integration 4. Complexity returns in attempting to translate and continually update for the times the teachings, but each attempts are in how to make teachings more simple so they are easier to learn and grasp.  Such is life!!!
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