Andrew Tate explained

By Kksd74628 in Personal Development -- [Main],
Opening and explanation of this post Because I've recently consumed lot of his content and because someone decided to make post about him I decided to have full depth analysis about things people keep arguing back and forth. First when I saw his videos I didn't understand what he and others similar people are trying convey to the audience and society. It doesn't matter if he is stage orange or anything from the perspective of learning to make things happen. Yeah I don't say that you should lower yourself from tier 2 to back to tier 1 only just to have awesome cars, but maybe there is some rigidity everyone should integrate from him. You can study useful perspectives, worldviews and ideas from anyone and it doesn't even require them to be higher stage than you're or even at the one you think you currently are. Yeah, you shouldn't make it to your only and highest worldview, because that would be the trap which swings you to lower stage. So there is valuable perspective for any student from me which is that: don't get caught in spotting things which don't make sense or are wrong, because then that'll be that which you see and therefore consume. If you started reading this post in hope that you find if you should be against or for Andrew Tate then I've to say that point of this post is not to continue the debate to another level, but more like trying to build bridge between people in different sides. Winner is not that which has the correct perspective, because the true winner is that which sees all the perspectives and doesn't judge someone from not seeing what (s)he sees. There aren't obvious things and everyone has experienced and studied what they have and not knowing isn't reason to laugh to anyone. To the actual analysis Andrew Tate is a motivator and you should use him to that purpose for sure. He knows how to get things done and he teaches people that attitude which is almost totally missing from newer generations. There is also something to learn from his self-confidence, authenticity to his values and opinions and way of speaking. Even if these values aren't your top values or not at all doesn't mean that you cannot study the structure of his worldview which is actually deeper that it seems from the first glance. That you don't like his personality highlights some shadow in you that you haven't accepted yet. It's not about him, but you. He is only the one who triggers you. Any people who triggers you is great opportunity to ask from youself why is this making me triggered and what I don't see? If everyone would do that we'd have more deep conversations in the world and in this forum. Don't think that you are higher than "normies on the society" and not being able to fall into this trap only because you are user in this spiritual forum. So the thing I am trying to say is that his worldview makes absolutely sense according to the values he has. That's actually very surprising to find even from spiritual forums. Huge respect for Andrew Tate from achieving this! Does he have high values and is he pursuing the best possible thing there exists? Probably not, but is he pursuing and actually achieving that which he thinks is the best possible thing there exists. Hell yeah. From the video that I'll drop here you can actually see that he is very happy and loving guy, but it can be extremely hard to see if you try to see it through your biased lenses. What are high values? Let me present you definition of high value that I made. "High values are better than low values, because they show more directly, holistically and strongly what you truly want." So if you want to find what you truly want then you should contemplate towards things which make you happy and then ask from yourself what it is that which produces happiness in me? Doing that process once is not enough, but you should go through as many layers as you can until you hit rock bottom of your values. Even if someone has different values than you it is still adviced to study them so you could have some insights or see something which you couldn't see for yourself. You propably have thought lot of yourself and your needs in your life so that's why you don't find something new so easily only inspecting yourself. That is what it means to be selfish and don't get me wrong, because being selfish is a good thing. I am talking about Absolute selfishness to your values, morals and needs. The twist here is that when you get happy from helping others then continue being selfish which means to help others and love them as much as you can. So selfishness and selflessness collapse eventually to one and the only question is what values you have and how much you operate in life according to them. Making sense of his values Let me introduce you 2 notions that I am going to use to break down whole discussion about women versus men. Male energy and Female energy. IMPORTANT POINT TO SAY SO YOU DON'T SEE ME AS A EVIL. Everyone has little bit of both and is able to attain both energies. So male energy isn't only for men and vice versa. The names only come from where these energies are found in high quantity in average. Male energy is doing and achieving what you want and female energy is being and feeling what you have. Optimal case would be that you have lot of both. Because Andrew Tate's highest values are success, doing and achieving it makes totally sense why he says that he thinks he is above women. That is actually right from this perspective. Don't get me wrong that I say that men are above women, because that's not what I am trying to say. It's all about what you value in life. If I'd see Anrew Tate from the female energy perspective I'd say that most women are way above him. Even whole relationship thing is based on being with someone who has energy which you don't have until you find it from yourself. Really think about what I just said. Lastly that Andrew Tate has putted aside his female energy side or that he didn't have too much of it to begin with isn't problem if you want to study what he is trying to teach you about male energy. Still you should be very sharp when studying his perspective and worldview. Don't believe everything he says, but try to see what makes sense and what not according to your values. This what I said is true to studying any perspective and listening to anyone. Don't be a sheep which doesn't see structures - which in this scenario are different values - and believes to anyting which someone tells you. Here is one video you could use to see how well polished his worldview actually is With love -joNi- <3
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