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Doing Ayahuasca today at the Amazon, tips? Warnings?

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 It seems preety safe, it's with a shaman and with a group, but I am still a little afraid of going absolutly nuts or having a bad trip. I've been telling my self that whatever comes, comes, still...

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Ayahuasca, is a wise ancient medicine and in the guidance of shamans you trust and hopefully, lovely people around you have permission to fully surrender. I remember I was also very afraid of doing stupid stuff in front of other but you will be surprised how accepting people are when they share the same experience. Ayahuasca works differently for everyone so don't go in with too many expectations but be ready for high intensity. Recognize that the spirit of Ayahuasca is a loving one. It will not send you into bad experiences without purpose. Don't be afraid to ask for the help of the shamas they are there to guide you. And most importantly you cannot die physically on ayahuasca everything is going to be fine and better. Bendiciones Infinidos 

Edited by max duewel

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