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Come Do Some Self Enquiry?

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Self enquiry

We already are consciousness, 

But there are very subtle channels of thought that identify us with stuff, that we are asleep to That are somehow keeping us asleep.

Consciousness is identified with various things in experience, such as body, thoughts, emotions, sensations, beliefs, ideas, voice, self image, even a post on this forum is a extension of ego, possessions and so on.


You don't think all the time, thoughts come and go, happy ones, sad ones, funny ones, judgments of others and so on, they are not what you are fundamentally obviously, you don't really believe you are the thought do you? No you say I thought or I am thinking. When thought is not you still are, so thought is not you, if you choose to identify with thought, the thought then becomes a extension of I.


Emotions again, come and go, sometimes, you feel happy, sometimes you feel sad, sometimes you feel jealous or angry, but again you would say I feel angry or I feel happy, people even say "I am angry" like me and anger are the same thing, so clearly there is identification with the emotions that arise for most people.

But emotions change all the time, and you still are regardless of what emotions are perceived, so emotions are not what you fundamentally are either, again if you choose to identify with what ever emotions arise, they have become a extension of I.


Sensations can be anything from, the heart beating, to the feeling of your feet, hands ect. Even things like a itch or some pain that's felt. Again they all come and go, sometimes you feel the sensation of being uncomfortable sitting in your chair, or you may feel cold one moment and warm the next, sensations vary, 

You would say I feel. so again the sensations of your body, such as your feet or hands or bum, isnt what you are fundamentally, because they always change, they come and go, so when you choose to identify with your bodily sensations, they become a extension of I.

Same with beliefs, they become a extension of I, I believe in god, I believe the next door neighbour is a asshole,

Same with possessions, like car, phone, house ect, you say its my car or my phone, so possessions become a extension of I.

Self image is a big one, because its in your head all the time, its got a feel to it, and it gives you a sense that your someone, but if you look straight in front of you for a min, without moving you may get a moment, were that picture and feel of you, that image will cease and you will see image can't be you, it comes and goes, and also its being put in front of you so to speak, and by definition if its being shown to you, its not you is it, you are that which sees it, experiences it. 

But again this is normally identified with without you even knowing, and again it becomes a extension of I.

You gona find yourself, by eliminating all that is not you, it can be difficult because your in a habit of identifying with everything in the experience of being someone.

But you are not a experience. 

You are that which is conscious of experience.

Consciousness itself.

Edited by Callum A

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