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What is this thing I'm doing to always inverse/reverse engineer mentally?

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What kind of things could make somebody naturally process things like in a backwards / reverse / inverse way?   

I've seen the right brain seems to work around a point...also there is Neurodivergence (of Autism) 
and also there is Jung's Extraverted Intuition function that is like 'bouncing off the walls' energetically in your brain

Idk what it is, I used to confuse my classmates how I did my math like all over the place , nonlinear I suppose... I often read from the bottom going up... I got the even crazier thing which I suppose could be a combo,, where like I accidentally seem to like merge my identity into the mutual relationship , but that could be like a personality disorder

I just do this totally naturally like opposite processing , and working backwards is why I went into philosophy even, dwelling on old age a lot... 

Can anyone share anyyyy fuckinn info - cuz this has gotta be one of those more secretive experiences we share in some way...

-Much Love Friends

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At first I didn't get the title of your post until I read your post then looked at your title again and finally got it. I'm not sure if this is an example of inverse mental engineering but I want to say I get your point and that I have that a lot.

Here's another example. So as a kid, and even still today, I would always inverse what I perceive to be the left side of an object.. and the right side of an object. It's not that I can't tell my left arm from my right arm and vice versa. No.. I am fully aware that I am right handed and that I type or write with my right arm. It's only that when it comes to understanding the sides of an external object, I always inverse the two - the right side becomes the left and the left becomes the right. That's how it makes sense for me.

That's just a simple one of the plenty inverse instances that take place in my life. I also do the that reading from the bottom up thing that you mentioned.. I do that especially when I don't understand what topic the opening verses are meant to introduce, then I'd have to read the conclusion in order to understand the idea behind the text of the body and introduction. There are just plenty of examples. One of my downfalls in the world of academia, I'm afraid. I'm too critical to learn anything without immediate practice.

On 22/07/2022 at 2:06 PM, KoryKat said:

anyone share anyyyy fuckinn info - cuz this has gotta be one of those more secretive experiences we share in some way...

Unfortunately I don't have any information on this as well. Never bothered asking, even. Just saw that people are different, and this time the difference is from my side. But thanks for bringing this up. At least now I know I'm not alone 


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Use that to your advantage.

You just need a better mental commercial about it playing in your head.

I also do things in an inverse way, even talk in that way at times and definitely read,  look for a folder, or go through a list from the bottom>up. Also in school, I would never solve math problems by doing it on paper, but abstractly guess the answer, a lot of times I was quite near, or on point. But the process was abstract and all over the place anyway, I couldn't tell how I got the answer.

Anyway, so far I've never seen it as some kind of a chore. Nor have I observed any negative effects. I hold it now just as a personality quirk. If I can leverage any of those, I would. I am sure there is a place in the world for any kind of quirky traits.

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