
Limitations Of Non-dualism

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Non-dualism, aka Advaita Vedanta, offers very convincing answers to many "hard" problems. Everything seems to fall in place when you adopt the no-two idea. Moreover it is easy to practically test it simply by honest observation and elementary logic.

I was wondering what are the limitations of this philosophy. Where it fails miserably, where can it not answer? Any comments (even devil's advocate types) will be appreciated.

Edited by PureExp

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A pitfall that we see everywhere in the "Modern" advaita movement that came to the west : Attachment to emptiness.

Honestly, one of the worst kinds of attachments, and difficult to get rid off.

-Overlooking convenient reality (and its dualism) when it's convenient for the ego.

-Underestimating that most people need some kind of practice.

-No ethical background. Ethics mean that practitioners are ready to give up something. Without ethics at the start, spirituality is more likely to become just some kind of ego trip.

A really harsh article can be found below, but some of the points being made are worth a look, if you do not mind ignoring some of the more agressive remarks : 


Advaita is beautiful though, but it is not for everyone. Ramana Maharshi used to teach at the level of the understanding of the student, and many times advised students to continue with their dualistic practice, according to David Godman.*

If someone feels connected with advaita, investigating the teacher thoroughly cannot be emphasized enough.

*He was the librarian of the Ashram where Ramana lived during eight years.


1) Being honest with one's experience : supressing everything because "all is illusory" is very dangerous.

2) Wanting to correct others when they say they suffer is a sure sign that your ego uses the teachings for its own benefit.

(when one says "I feel sick", having the urge and saying "there is only life, there is no you to be sick. You are identifying with the body.")


Just a fool's opinion though :D

Edited by Guivs

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1. It got nothing to do with logic.

2. It is not a philosophy.

3. It only fails when trying to understand it with the intellect.

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