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What's the perfect opener?

32 posts in this topic

51 minutes ago, Someone here said:

It's really hard to find sluts (just saying it as it Is) here .

You aren't really looking for sluts. You're looking for liberal girls who aren't super nailed down by their families' values.

You get rebellious people everywhere, in all cultures.

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@something_else it's just not gonna work in India  .I have made up my mind . im gonna get the hell outta here ASAP. 

I suspect that's your best option

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please dont refer to girls as ´´sluts´, i know its deemed as ´´normal´´´ in our society, but not cool. 

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@Someone here

1. Don't call girls "sluts" just because they're not oppressed. It's insulting and judgemental, an ego coping strategy, because in reality you're putting girls on a pedestal and would be glad to finally touch one between the legs ?

2. There are countless openers, it depends a bit on where you open too.

"Hey, I'm [name], I wanted to meet you/talk to you (because you seemed cute/cool etc.)"

"Excuse me, Hi...I think you look adorable so I wanted to say 'hi'"

"Oh look like the type of girl my mom warned me I couldn't resist :) are you as much trouble as you look like?" (Night game)




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15 hours ago, Someone here said:

@cjoseph90 sorry for saying that .I apologise. 

@Federico del pueblo good openers...but a bit too nice and goody-goody? Don't you think ?

It depends. It depends on a lot of things.

E.g. that first opener of "HI.... I'm..." (if you leave away that because part) is very strong if delivered with conviction/strong body language.

It's because you're saying "I am this guy...and that's enough". Of course you'll still have to add something a moment later to keep a conversation going.

The openers of the type "you look adorable" etc are also strong when delivered correctly, like you can't have a weird smiling "and I hope you like me for saying this" face. They are only a positive spike, so if you want to make it more "controversial" you could add something like "but you also look like a troublemaker" or something similar.

The last opener of my first post is not nice goody goody, hopefully I don't have to explain why, ok I'll explain anyway because you're low-key autistic right? ?

You're literally telling her she looks like you shouldn't be talking to her (= bad), but you still couldn't resist the temptation and then you ask if she's as "dangerous" as she looks in a humorous way.

You can't really walk up to a girl and say "you look like shit, I don't like you", that's not gonna work, ok?

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On 7/22/2022 at 0:34 PM, Someone here said:

However I found the best and safest bet is to choose the topic you are most comfortable with.

Don't look for safest bet and comfortable in pickup. Try to be on the edge. This will develop looseness and a space for her to be open. If you're taking things light and in the confines of normal social interactions without eminating a strong sexual energy, there's no space for her to be in her feminine aka get wet.

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You are trying to perfect the opener. Why?

If you want the best response rate, use "Hi, excuse me, you look like you are (not) from x". *smile

If you want it in order to stay in control, you are on the wrong path.

Control is not something you can get by saying the perfect line.

Release your need for control, welcome the feeling of loosing control and let it go.

Control is an illusion. You are not in control. And you don't need to.

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Depends if you already are friends with them and want to take it to the next level, or if it's a cold approach.

For the former: start saying things that are more man/woman than friend/friend, such as "Woah, the way the light just touched your hair just then? Don't know how I didn't notice before, but you're not bad looking. Don't let it go to your head, girl." Then do the usual stuff like disqualifying the relationship ("you're a lot younger than I usually go for;" I don't know if we're going to get along;" hell you can even use the ole "I have a small dick"), push-pull, and being colder the hotter the girl (being sweeter to 7's than 10's).

For the latter: after getting her attention, say something like "you know what you're cute but I can't decide if I trust you yet." Then hold the frame "I wonder if she'll win me over" and then transition to the frame "you and me against the world." Making sure to push-pull throughout ("nvm I'm not so sure I like you after all... nope false alarm, I still love you"), telling her to stop doing things that are good ("stop being so sweet"), and give objections along the way before she gives them ("it's not happening tonight").

When dealing with counterintuitive outcomes, resisting those outcomes often makes them even more likely to happen. So resist the close as if it's an inevitable thing that you're doing your best to avoid while knowing it's futile -- that's the winning frame. The goal throughout is to provide an emotional rollercoaster to the girl while being a source of validation for the girl.

Edited by The0Self

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I wish it was as straightforward as telling you to just say ...........

But understanding the reason for opening is key to ensuring whatever you say achieves the result you are looking for. A woman walking in the mall is probably in her own head space so if you walk straight up to her and say "Hi your beautiful" she will feel a surge of emotions which have absolutely nothing to do with you but more of social programming that its not normal for people to approach each other, therefore the social pressure she will feel could express itself as a weird grimace on her face that triggers a fight or flight response so she politely says thanks and quickly walks off as fast as she can. This had nothing to do with your "Opener" but more your calibration and not addressing the social pressure that most people feel.

Opening is simply presenting yourself in a way that demonstrates very quickly that you are, Friendly, Assertive, confident, clear in your intent and fully aware of the social pressure she feels, So a girl walking in the mall 20 ft away approaching you, Said with a huge smile "Hey a bit random I know, but you are way too beautiful to not stop, My name is ...........

Although successfully opening is a straightforward action gaining the correct mindset so your opener is effective can be a complex and daunting process, feel free to direct message me if you want some help on perfecting your opener  

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