
First 2 Psychedelic Trips - Am I Super sensitive?

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So after considering this for many years, I finally entered a phase in my life to explore psychedelic territory. I started with shrooms as this was the easiest for me to obtain. I primarily want to know if this community thinks my experiences on < 2g are typical.

For my first ever dose I took a conservative 1.0g of cubensis (not penis envy) at 10am on a Saturday morning 14 hours fasted after an hour of meditation. Many people I spoke with said this would be too little and that I should go for 1.5-2.0g, but I figured better safe than sorry.  

My close friend took 2g of the same strain and didn’t have any visuals. So I really took it thinking hardly anything would happen, but that I’d still get a small sense of what shrooms feel like.

Well I was very wrong because I didn’t just experience saturated colors as some report, but actual vivid moving “hallucinations” for ex..

The patterns on my wood floor were flowing like 2-dimensional water, a fuzzy pillow on my couch looked like it was alive with flowy tentacles, plants were moving, letters or any kind of print were moving like crazy, my carpet looked like flowing sand etc. (BTW this was by far the most shocking and beautiful experience of my life as I didn’t know it would be so hyper-real)

Psychologically I was still very much myself. But overwhelmed with joy, shock, self-love, creativity, and just instant clarity regarding my life. I felt as if I felt in a very deep sense all my potentials as a human being. Some really powerful insights came through as well. Honestly, it was the perfect introduction to the substance.

My plan was 2 weeks later to take a higher dose, and I did. Taking about 1.85g…And the come up was INTENSE. Within only 15 min the visuals mentioned previously began (took 45 min the first time). And by minute 30 my bodily anxiety was intense, plants were going crazy, and the entire room seemed to be morphing slightly inward. A high pitch noise started ringing in my ears and started intensifying (I thought this would be a phenomena only at much higher doses) and I became incredibly nauseous. I tried to focus on breath and surrender but it was so much more than I expected at this dose that I definitely started to panic.   Basically the first 60-75 minutes was hell and I threw up 2 times (didn’t fast like I did the first time). This was .15g less than a dose my close friend had NO visuals on?!

After my 2nd time throwing up the experience did take a turn and become rather beautiful (Maybe I threw up some of the psilocybin?) and I had more deep profound experiences and interesting phenomena like the experience of my psyche literally splitting into two parts (higher and lower self) talking to each other and lots of strange involuntary stuff. But anyway I didn’t mean for this to be a full trip report…I just want to know if this seems like extreme sensitivity or around what one might expect. I can’t fathom taking something like a 4g dose.


Also its quite a funny experience for me to be posting on this form for first time after perusing it for 5 years and watching Leo for 8 years. Thankful for any input!

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Sounds like you're definetely a sensitive one

How much experience you had previously with meditative practices and things of that nature? I have a theory that people who have higher baseline of consciousness have much more potency when it comes to psychedelic-like substances and, really to all psychonaut experience

Edited by Hello from Russia

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21 minutes ago, Devon said:

After my 2nd time throwing up the experience did take a turn and become rather beautiful (Maybe I threw up some of the psilocybin?) and I had more deep profound experiences and interesting phenomena like the experience of my psyche literally splitting into two parts (higher and lower self) talking to each other and lots of strange involuntary stuff. But anyway I didn’t mean for this to be a full trip report…I just want to know if this seems like extreme sensitivity or around what one might expect. I can’t fathom taking something like a 4g dose.

You wouldn't have thrown up any of the psilocybin at that point. And yeah people have different tolerances. Of course it being literally your first psychedelic experience is going to be a bit stronger of an effect. I remember how magical my first trip felt even at a comparatively low dose. Leo also has mentioned that he is very sensitive and has a relatively lower tolerance, sounds like you may be similar. I myself have a bit of higher than average tolerance, I don't really trip on less than 5g.


27 minutes ago, Devon said:

Also its quite a funny experience for me to be posting on this form for first time after perusing it for 5 years and watching Leo for 8 years. Thankful for any input!


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@Hello from Russia Yeah interesting thought. I’ve meditated sporadically for awhile, but my meditation practice as a consistent discipline is fairly new. But I’ve been loosely into spirituality since 14 when I read Tolle, and I am 27 now and I believe that early exposure has had compound gains in my baseline level of awareness. A decade of frequent existential contemplation and introspection, consuming content like watching all videos, and reading books on consciousness/spirituality has definitely primed me well 

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2 hours ago, Devon said:

The patterns on my wood floor were flowing like 2-dimensional water, a fuzzy pillow on my couch looked like it was alive with flowy tentacles, plants were moving, letters or any kind of print were moving like crazy, my carpet looked like flowing sand etc. (BTW this was by far the most shocking and beautiful experience of my life as I didn’t know it would be so hyper-real)

Ahaha this is how most of my mushroom trips go too in terms of visuals, beautiful patterns and colors everywhere and stuff you mentioned. :D

Yeah I think you are very sensitive so just calibrate based on you. Like others have said the first times can be more intense than when you've had a few under your belt. 

Body anxiety is maybe the ego trying to hold on/clearing. But sounds like your 2nd one might be in "overdose" territory relative to you. It should hopefully get lessened over time/trips.. I had similar stuff first time on 5-meo where I thought the dose wasn't that high. So just calibrate down maybe 1g is your safe zone right now. 

Glad you're okay now.

Edited by puporing

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