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You do not have to give up on taste to lose weight

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A lot of people get into a short term mindset for achieving fat loss where they do ridiculous calorie deficits and give up on foods that they love while eating a bland and lifeless diet. This is a less sustainable way to achieve fat loss. After a few weeks of this approach, most people have already quit. Finding lower calorie alternatives to your favorite foods which still taste close to as good, the same, or even better is easier than you might think. The foods I show in this video could easily be made with 30-40% less calories while maintaining 90%+ of the flavor, and these are already better than what most people are eating. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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8 hours ago, JoeVolcano said:

Could you reduce it in writing to the essential bullet points and suggested foods? Like a summary of the video.

I always appreciate it when content creators enable their viewers to assess at a glance whether or not they want to watch the whole video, by checking the summary first.

Without that, if you have a lot of interests or are looking for specific info, you have to waste way too much time watching video after video just to find out that it didn't have what you need. It's extremely inefficient and ineffective.


Eat low calorie dense foods

Watch drinking your calories too often as it’s super easy to over-consume this way

Fat is 9 calories per gram while carbs and protein are only 4 calories per gram. This makes fatty foods the most calorie dense foods

Restaurants will add ridiculous amounts of calories compared to cooking the same dish at home

Low calorie alternatives such as powdered peanut butter can give essentially the same taste with a fraction of the calories

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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