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Is walking on water plausible or only a myth

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I have been researching this topic lately. I am aware that you can mix cornstarch in a kiddie pool and run across it. What I am more interested in is the dead sea where allegedly Jesus walked on water.

Firstly, dead sea water is high in salinity making it easy to float. Walking is thought to be unlikely because it is difficult to maintain balance on a Newtonian liquid. Perhaps there is a technique for maintaining balance.

Secondly, if the dead sea is very dense and people from 2000 years ago used to be shorter and weighed less, then how little would somebody have to weigh and distribute their weight? It is also known that given proper weight distribution it is possible for animals to walk on water. For example, it is known that spiders can walk on water because they weigh very little and are effective at weight distribution. For humans it is much more challenging to do. Maybe science could make a machine similar to spider legs that could be used to help humans distribute their weight and walk on water that way, but I am looking for walking on water bare foot.

I looked for experiments done on this topic, and I did not find any attempts to use young children as test subjects. Children normally start walking between 8-20 months of age and the average weight of an 8 month old girl is 18.1 pounds. If a very young girl between the ages of 8-12 months were able to walk on land, than by this age the child could theoretically practice walking on water. It would be challenging to maintain balance as can be demonstrated by putting objects in a pool of mercury. But if there were somehow a technique to balance oneself especially at a very young age if practiced very early on, then is it scientifically plausible to walk on dead sea water or is it only a myth?

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