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Quitting smoking -I'm giving it another shot

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I just got rid of 5 packs of marlboro white cigarettes. Along with my vape . This was emotionally difficult to do .I've been smoking for a decade now .and I realized I can't continue like this .I'm raping my health..smoking half a pack a day is insane and suicidal.  I have made the decision to stop cold turkey and never ever again put a cigarette in my mouth.  Please guys wish me luck and share any piece of advice that can help me in my quest.  I'm making a bold life decision that is gonna change the trajectory of my life. Especially when it comes to health and well-being.  I tried to quit several times in the past but I always fail  .May God give me the strength to finally quit for good this time .

Edited by Someone here

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Good. Go all the way. My friend just quit too. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Gl. U can do it.

"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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No matter what happens, love your way through it all. There are even courses you can find, youtube channels etc. Put a sign up on your wall. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art @Shiva99 thank you guys for the support .

unfortunately though . I just bought a new pack  but I didn't smoke yet

.I should just get rid of it immediately, right? 

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Best of luck man. I hope you’re able to quit once and for all. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@Someone here thanks man ?

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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