Clabber Girl

What do extremely violent dreams mean?

6 posts in this topic

Does anyone else have very violent dreams often and if so... Do you think there is a deeper meaning to them?

I have had dreams of being exposed to radiation from nuclear bomb blast, being stabbed/murdered, being sexually assaulted, drowning, falling to my death from tall heights.

I typically am not doing the crime, and I have not experienced any extreme violence like this in real life. I don't watch violent movies (recently, in the past I have) or play violent video games. This seems to be something deep in my mind playing out violence as symbolic but I am interested to see if anyone else has had this happen?

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Likely fear. Nightmares are all about your deepest fears.

Consciousness is afraid of its own scope, fundamentally.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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A possible explanation could be that there's a lot of supressed, unresolved fears, anxieties, stress emotions in your deeper mind.

Sometimes we can be exposed to some stressful situations like watching a horror movie as a child, and then carry those unresolved feelings/impressions for 50years or more unknowingly.

Most often dreams are an expression of our unresolved feelings that reside in subconcious mind. Maybe u have lots of dark stuff there unresolved. (We all do actually)

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Leo Gura is this why I get a weird existential fear when I stare into the sky or space at night? I get feelings of beauty ofc as well but sometimes it’s just this feeling that it’s just so fucking big like how do we just ignore this massive void above us and live our lives normally lmao

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17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Consciousness is afraid of its own scope, fundamentally.

Perhaps that explains the "Black Hole" sometimes encountered during deep meditation. If consciousness is afraid of it's own scope how would that be experienced from the POV of the mind.

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I used to always have those kinds of dreams. They mean anxiety. at the core of your being there is fear

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