
Type compatibility

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@thisintegrated A Fe valuing user is interested in interacting with types that share their value.


Edited by Yali

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1 minute ago, Yali said:

@thisintegrated A Fe valuing user is interested in interacting with types that share their values, just like all other cognitive functions.


If both people are the listening type, no one will talk.

If both people are the talking type, no one will listen.

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1 minute ago, thisintegrated said:

If both people are the listening type, no one will talk.

If both people are the talking type, no one will listen.

I don't subscribe to this theory, but you do. We'll have to agree to disagree. @thisintegrated

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@thisintegrated Yes, logic means nothing if it doesn't reflect my life experiences.

28 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:

Logic means nothing to you.


Edited by Yali

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2 minutes ago, Yali said:

@thisintegrated Yes, logic means nothing to me if it doesn't reflect my life experience.


Well you can't really argue using your life experience alone.  It means nothing to other people.

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1 minute ago, thisintegrated said:

It means nothing to other people.

Yep, and that's why we don't agree.  @thisintegrated

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1 minute ago, Yali said:

Yep, and that's why we don't agree.  @thisintegrated

How do you make progress with anyone when you don't use logic and argue using nothing but personal feelings and biases?

Imagine if everyone was like you.  Every conversation would be an emotionally fuelled shouting match.

Imagine if people like you were in politics.. oh wait, they are..

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I am not drawing technical conclusions I think there are flavours to all of this I read socions way way way back once or twice back on odd forums, so I did not like it so much and mainly looked at cognitive stacks I am just going to list a couple of things and explaing that I am aware of socionos, yet have no idea about it besides coginitive stacks and their functions, I dunno if they are seperate theory.

I feel as an INFJ 4w5 there are a lot of dynamics in terms of compatabillity without explaining anything in detail. I am mostly matching main types of others from each model. This is mainly my intuition and personal experience. Everything in braces I think can vary tremendously by type. I am mostly intuitive about this I don't have much conceptual readings besides tests and internet pages and infografics/ my own contemplations etc./data/studies/youtub videos/biology of mbti and enna etc.

Compatability INFJ:

Compatability Ennea 4:
Very good: 4,9,2,3 (6)
Good: 5,1,6, (8)
Okayish: 7,8
Not good: (All could be shit for a 4)

Compatabillity Ennea subtype 5:
Very good: 1,7,8 (4,6), 5
Good: 6, (9,5), 4
Okayish: 3, (9), 2
Not good: 9

Compatabiltiy Ennea 4w5:
Very good: 4w3,3w4, 2w3, (5w4 all 8 types if mature including 9w8), 9w1, 6w5, 1w9, 4w5 
Good: 3w2, 2w3, 5w4, 1w9, 8w7, 7w8, 2w1, 1w2,7w6, 4w5, (6w7?)
Okayish: (3w4,3w2), 1w9, 8w9, 9w8, 5w6
Not good:(All could be shit for this sub-wing type as you are basically a free spirit)
No idea: 5w6, 6w7(Dr Keith Witt from Integral I love him, yet I never meet this type besdies from him consciously)

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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4 minutes ago, Yali said:

i am using logic @thisintegrated


7 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

Compatability INFJ:

Once again, @Yali's theory is disproven.  Again and again people are saying N types are most compatible with N types.

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10 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:


Once again, @Yali's theory is disproven.  Again and again people are saying N types are most compatible with N types.

True in my personal experience, I get along with intutives the most that means also logical intutives although worlds differ vastly, it's usually very fun as open-mindedness is just fun usually. That is also a good big5 trait to consider... when dating and also beign high in openess ... these models won't matter when novelty is not stimulated for example. Overall I this is mainly relationship work not very good for dating itself, just measuring compatabillity.

I don't walk around typing people all of the time, it's mostly "NPC'S" I type shop keepers, the vendor lady/guy, the architect, construction worker etc. Hope I made this clear and I don't attack a single type. As this get's personal usually quite fast. I also want to hone my skills in this as this is "dealing with people skills", so it comes in handy in more "objective/neutral" situations as well as just friendships and partnerships/communities etc.

Socionics looks interesting too I like the compatability of INFJ with ISFP and ESTP as artisans that is true imo, wtih SE,NI.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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12 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:

Again and again people are saying N types are most compatible with N types.

@thisintegrated they're wrong i'm right


Edited by Yali

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8 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:


infj and isfp are not compatible @ValiantSalvatore

estp would be you duel, so most compatible.

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Just now, Yali said:

infj and isfp are not compatible @ValiantSalvatore

estp would be you duel, so most compatible.

Yeah according to socionics it's a benefit I just like the way they put it. It's all just experience with bias in a sense anyway.

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1 hour ago, thisintegrated said:

Where is @Carl-Richard and @Loba when you need them??

@Yali I have had interactions with sensors, and they simply can't understand the intuitive world, if you got with an ESFP, as an INTJ, it would be hard for you.  INTJ do not like chaos, constant emotional action/turmoil - and they would get worn out, and lack of the intellectual stimuli that they crave.  Imagine, having this whole world in your head, and sharing it with a sensor:

Realistic interaction:

*An intuitive is about to die on their deathbed, they ask the doctor what they think happens at the end of death?*
*Doctor responds - Oh - we change your sheets for the next patient.*

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17 minutes ago, Loba said:

and they simply can't understand the intuitive world


LOL @Loba xDxD

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I have to vouch a bit for duality compatability since one of my best friends is ESTJ and I am an INFP.

He's a good musician, not all sensors are robots, actually he's one of the smartest and most deep people I know. It's just what he finds value pursuing in life is quite a bit different. it seems to me we share many interests but our reasons for liking said interests seem to differ. I'm much more curious and explorative in my nature while he's more grind oriented/focused on what's to gain/outcomes. I think our views balance eachother.

We work well together and the first 7 or so years we knew eachother we talked very often. It's true there are many things I'm into that he's not into, like spirituality, or Lynch movies for example. But despite the fact that our taste differs in many ways I feel he's a very important friend for me, not only do we have fun together but he's influenced me into working on some of my weaker traits, which happen to be his stronger traits. I think in turn I help him refrain from becoming too stubborn and I encourage him to try his own path in life. He lets me do the same which works well because we both value freedom highly. He also helps ground me more in normal life stuff. I think if I had no friends like him I might have gone haywire into spirituality, but he's helping me keep in touch with 'sane' reality, maybe simply because his perspective on life is more rigid than mine, talking with him is like returning to a familiar way to approach the world. Just the kinds of discussions we have return me to reality sometimes. 

Anyways, we do understand eachother well. In some ways he seems to understand me deeper than some of my intuitive type friends. I don't know if he's aware of it himself tbh, but he sure does make me feel understood somehow. Eventhough we look at things very differently and our discussions are not at the most meta level, the discussions will be deep for the level they're at and I often find his views on things to be smarter/deeper than they seem at a first glance.


Edited by Asayake

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