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Found a great yt channel for getting laid

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I wonder what you guys think of this guy. So far I have only seen like 5 videos and a few shorts, but tbh I think the guy is legit. Gives me much better vibes than most RSD videos. 

Here some of the videos I watched:


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@Ampresus I like it.

My only minor critique would be that “life game” as he describes it is not great for new guys learning game.

Guys who are new often have spent years unwillingly in platonic situations with girls because they’re playing it so safe. So safe they never make a move even when it’s appropriate. And then they usually try to compensate for that by dumping a whole bunch of interest at the girl at once, who is confused because they had be friends for years. I.e the friend zone.

These kind of guys need to practice being way more direct. They need to express their interest and their needs in a way that is clear and risks rejection.

Once you can do that with confidence, then you’re ready to practice something like Life Game. That’s more advanced and requires more social tact.

Alternatively, you could just live in a place like Miami or Vegas and perpetually run direct cold approach your whole life. But the downside there is that you won’t have as many skills to succeed in more of a social circle environment.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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