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There will never be an end to Awakenings

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The subject says it all, these Awakenings are dealing with Infinity so any thought that there will be a final awakening is comical. It will never end, it is going to go on forever. The only question would long have we been asleep? If that is even a question that could be asked or even answered since time is imaginary....

I only brought this up because I came across some on the forums discussing the levels of wokeness of certain Spiritual Teachers and for me personally I'm not sure you can even gauge that. Because to men its not just having knowledge that defines your spiritual progress, but how much can you embody the teachings.

I would actually prefer embodiment over realizations. But hey that is just my preference. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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