Someone here

Exposing your existential fears

1 post in this topic

 Disclaimer :  Don't Read if  you have emotional sensitivity or you get easily traumatized.


What are you afraid of?  I'm gonna expose and explore some of your and my deepest fears.. Full on exposure.. Full nude.. No cosmetics..


Are you afraid from the idea of falling forever.. An endless free fall? Imagine falling down in an endless spiral with no bottom forever..

Or maybe you are afraid from the idea of being stuck inside a room with no doors.. Just four walls.. You stuck between four walls.. For eternity? 

What about the idea of these four walls starting to get tighter and tighter untill they crush your body into pieces? 

But then you will die.. That might be a refuge.. How about the four walls getting so tight just enough to make you almost crushed.. But not fully yet.. Such that you can't move and will be stuck like that... Forever? 

How about being conscious inside darkness forever?  Losing your sight?  Are you afraid of going blind? 

Are you afraid of the idea of hell.. Being stuck inside a lava chamber burning and suffering unimaginable amounts of pain forever? 

You are afraid of pain basically.. Right? All kinds of pain.. How about all kinds of pain possible all at once for endless time.. Are you afraid of that? 

As a sure have some castration anxiety no? 

As a female you are afraid of breast cancer right?  You are afraid of infertility right? 

As a child you are afraid of losing your parents in a car accident no? 

As a grown are afraid to die alone or to spend your last years with the company of no one? 

Are you afraid of regret? Of failure ?  Of realizing at your death bed that you did it all wrong?  That you fucked up big time? And that there is no going back?

What else are you afraid of?  

What if I told you that reality is absolutely infinite and that you wil in fact will experience all of these things inevitably and there is no escape?  How does that change your relationship with existence?  


Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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