
Books on Power

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Almost at the end of the book written by Robert Greene (48 Laws of Power), a thought struck me. If at all what people (authors) do, generally speaking, breaking down the power tricks seen throughout history or been used by people, is powerful, how could they reach the public? Aren't the great power tricks kept a secret? 

Do you think we (particularly me, haha) are fooled by these books related to Psychology and Power? 

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A lot of what you need to become successful is perfectly laid out for you, especially now in the age of the internet. It's just that the vast majority are too lazy or undisciplined to follow it... even if it's a step-by-step recipe for success.

If you give most people the choice to watch the latest Marvel movie or read a non-fiction book that will improve their life, they'll take the movie every time lol.

The rich and powerful don't need to worry about competition because they know 95% of people will never pick up the book. 99% will never follow through after reading even if it's laid out for them. So rich and powerful people are free to write to an audience of other rich and powerful people in plain sight.

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Power isn't some trick. If you go walk naked through the street, you will be arrested by the police. That's power. It's no trick you can weasel your way out of with psychology. Real power is a gun to your head.

Once power is amassed, it's very hard to take it away by the powerless.

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@Yarco "Undisciplined" That's something I need to work on. Do you know a good book on that? One that would help me in contemplating (why I don't have) discipline?

I can't always create an emergency situation to get things done - this I think is the core pillar to get any thing done.

Awaiting your reply.


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@Leo Gura Yeah, I'm kind of aware of it. It's the understanding of the principles (the core nature) of humans...

So do you mean most of us are doing manipulation and mistaking it for power?

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8 minutes ago, caesar13 said:

@Leo Gura Yeah, I'm kind of aware of it. It's the understanding of the principles (the core nature) of humans...

Understanding principles doesn't really equal power. You can understand the whole universe and have little power within human political affairs.


So do you mean most of us are doing manipulation and mistaking it for power?

Most people aren't even trying to get serious power.

And these days most power is systemic, not in the hands of individuals.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

And these days most power is systemic, not in the hands of individuals.

@Leo Gura Oh! So we mostly have the "illusion of power"!? Wow.

Edited by caesar13

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41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If you go walk naked through the street, you will be arrested by the police. 

Not on topic, but where I live, Seattle, WA, it is legal to be naked in public. I do it all the time. With groups of friends that also like to be naked. At crowded parks. A small percentage of people have issue with it (which is their problem, as naked is our natural state), most love it and admire the freeness and confidence to be naked in pubic. Even the cops smile and wave. Wish you all lived in a place where you could do this. It is an amazingly freeing experience. 

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3 hours ago, caesar13 said:

@Yarco "Undisciplined" That's something I need to work on. Do you know a good book on that? One that would help me in contemplating (why I don't have) discipline?

I can't always create an emergency situation to get things done - this I think is the core pillar to get any thing done.

Awaiting your reply.


If you're reading 48 Laws of Power then you're already on the right track and ahead of most people. Just keep at it and don't get complacent.

I honestly haven't read any books on discipline. But you might want to check out Atomic Habits by James Clear, Cant Hurt Me by David Goggins, 10x Rule by Grant Cardone as they're the ones I hear brought up the most.

I don't know if there are any secrets or "life hacks" to suddenly make yourself disciplined long-term. It's just a choice and a commitment that you make to yourself. 

I guess I would break discipline down into 3 separate things:

1. Motivation. This is short-term and something you need to constantly be working on. It's like a fire that you have to keep adding logs to keep it stoked (at least for me.) Watch motivational videos on Youtube or music that gets you amped up, take a cold shower, have a morning routine that gets you hyped up and generates "state". Think about the great things other people have accomplished, how they've beaten the odds, and how you have that greatness inside of yourself too. On a regular basis and especially when you get off track, contemplate the risks and consequences of living a mediocre and undisciplined life, the regrets you'll have on your deathbed if you don't do this.
*In my experience, books aren't very efficient at giving you this. You might get a one-time hit of motivation from a couple pages out of 5 - 10 hours of reading, and not on-command when you need it.

2. Habits / Routine. This engrains discipline in you. Give yourself a set routine that you always do X thing at X date and time, make it non-negotiable. This is why people in the military become so disciplined so quickly, they don't have a choice, they just follow instructions without thinking too hard about it. If you're constantly having to make decisions or leaving yourself outs, it eats up a ton of mental bandwidth and requires willpower. Burn the boats.
It's better to start small and work up gradually but consistently though, rather than risk burning out.
*This is what books are best for, practical techniques and systems for time management and stuff like that.

3. Vision. You need some greater purpose that makes your discipline worthwhile.

Edited by Yarco

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@caesar13 You might be interested in some Nietchze, particularly the genealogy of morals, re the will to power.

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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@Leo Gura Can you please tell me more about power -

such as the difference between individualistic and systemic

how it is gained / wielded positively / negatively

why people don't pursue it

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Power - the ability to make things happen and to manipulate people/circumstances effectively. @Ya know @Leo Gura


Edited by UnbornTao

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4 hours ago, Ya know said:

@Leo Gura Can you please tell me more about power -

such as the difference between individualistic and systemic

how it is gained / wielded positively / negatively

why people don't pursue it

Might do a video on it.

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How to escape wage slavery I feel like touches a lot on this

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Might do a video on it.

Please asap so i can work that out, that is one of my values but still my mind says that power is egoistic and bad don't pursue it. But i say to myself not everyone is in power. My number value is engagement or desire and i desire power. To have power is my path because i feel my own power. Power is what i am desiring. it's just that i don't really know what power is i know power by society's and people's beliefs who is ignorant about it. I want to know the truth about belief so i can navigate my life based on truth

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Understanding principles doesn't really equal power. You can understand the whole universe and have little power within human political affairs.

@Leo GuraSo then how could knowledge be power? How is political power gained? How does the victim lose power? What kind of power would I need for personal development?

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Might do a video on it.

@Leo Gura Would you like to answer my questions now or if you will do a video on power?

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3 hours ago, AndylizedAAY said:

@Leo GuraSo then how could knowledge be power? How is political power gained? How does the victim lose power? What kind of power would I need for personal development?

Knowledge could be turned into power, but requires a lot of work.

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Most people dont even really have much chance to gain a lot of power because they are simply born into a family that is not royal or elite. Then it becomes the issue too that the only base for their power is inheritance.

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power is the chips you have at your disposal to make others do as you say

can be money, fame, reputation, blood, degrees, looks ...

it is how you manipulate this life to your benefit

assuming that you want to of course

note well, power is about others, control is about you, big difference

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