
How to get out a 9-5 and become selfsufficient?

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Today i will start the second week of a new job, and i'm already kinda done with it. It's not the field, because i like working in IT. It's just that i'm always thinking and looking for a way out so i can be selfsufficient. I don't want to work like this for my whole life.

How do i practically go about this? 

My passion is helping and motivating people who are stuck in life, mentally or physically. So i've been thinking about becoming a life coach long term. It's just that i have little time to work on this project apart from the weekend. 

I need advice from people who did this, while still working, with little time to spend. 


"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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Hey, I'm in a similar situation with starting business and working 9-5 so maybe I can offer an advice or two. 

The answer may not be what you were hoping for but there is no easy escape from 9-5 especially if you are to build something sustainable rather than a get rich quick scheme. The process despite being rewarding if it works is often frustrating and disheartening especially when you struggle with finding clients. 

But in general, there are few important aspects to figure out for a start 

  • Who are you looking to work with/ to change? Be specific and define this target group clearly. Even if it means that the amount of potential clients is small and rare. Actually, the more nische you can go, the better. 
  • What are you going to offer? Again, be specific 
  • What do you need, in practical terms, to start going into this space? What education? What courses? 
  • What skills do you need to master? How can you start practising those skills regularly? 
  • What books may help you get there? 
  • Can you speak to someone who has gone on that journey before you? 
5 hours ago, Shiva99 said:

So i've been thinking about becoming a life coach long term.

Ok, this is a good start. Now zoom on it further. There is an army of weekend-course coaches out there. What can help you distinguish yourself? How can you not become" just another coach" but become THE COACH? What distinguishes the best from the mediocre in the field? 

5 hours ago, Shiva99 said:

It's just that i have little time to work on this project apart from the weekend. 

That's enough for a start. You'll find the time eventually. If you are sufficiently intrinsically motivated, working early in the morning or evenings will become an easy option too. 

It all starts with the vision for your business, knowing your values, your strengths and what motivates you. This is an important anchor to have befor eytou even begin, especially in times during building your business when it seems like it is not working. If you are not anchored in a powerful vision and a core of strong values, it will be easy to lose motivation when things go south. 

Good luck! And congrats on having this realisation so early in life 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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9-5 is not so bad. I used to work weekends and sometimes finish 9pm and wake up for 8am start the day after.

Now 9-5 I see as a luxury.

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A good friend of mine is a coach and I've observed many things in him that point to why he is so successful.

One of the biggest factors is that he is insanely good at meeting strangers. Back when I was learning to approach women, and we went out together, it was super impressive to watch him approach and learn from him. Just wherever he goes, he pulls people in. He creates these settings where people come together and share a good time. Anywhere. He'll walk down the street, see 2 beautiful women and stop them, make then attracted and the next instant he ignores them while he pulls in 2 other beautiful woman that pass by. One after the other. I was still a newbie at that time. I was impressed to say the least. Often guys that see him doing that get curious, want to be his friend and ask him for advice. Now it's very easy to convert them to clients. He is a coach related to becoming more social and attractive. He doesn't even need social media presence. His physical presence pulls people in and creates opportunities just like that. And if he would focus on social media, he would be massively successful because he backs that up with real results. And people want results.

If you want to become a coach, one of the most important foundations that you can build is to become very good at meeting people. A coach generally has to be a good leader for people to trust them and gravitate towards them. Any type of coach has to be a good connector and leader. So this is an important area to master and it will already create lots of opportunity.

I bet if you would approach 50 people a day with the intention to get to know them, you would be able to get clients. From the connection with those people, Make them see that you can help them with some area they are stuck. If you become really good at meeting people, you can do that.

I have personally done door-to-door sales. I have knocked on tens of thousands of doors to get people to buy services and products. And it works.

The thing is. You have to give up the need for a container for sales to happen. You need to become pro-active in generating sales. You need to put yourself out there in the most direct way, but also very calibrated to feeling and context. 

Aside from that, you have to be able to offer something. And you have to be clear and confident in what exactly you are offering. And it seems like you are not entirely sure on that. I'd pick several areas of your life (maybe not financial and LP related) to work on and master. This can be connecting with people, diet, approaching women, exercise and fitness, some hobby, meditation, discipline, etc. You could also work on emotional mastery. Pick some experiences you feel resistance towards and work on releasing that resistance. Public speaking is a common one. 

The more experience you get with mastering different areas of your life, the more clarity you have in the thing you offer and in how you can help people get results. Maybe there is one specific thing you want to help people with. Master that and put yourself out there for people to know that you have mastered that thing.

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@Michael569 @JonasVE12 Thanks for both your answers. A lot of stuff to think about. I'm going to be contemplating on this in the next few days.

"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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