Extreme Z7

Attempted Assassination of Shinzo Abe, now Dead

58 posts in this topic

4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Video of the gun shot and the homemade gun.


"He was a true democrat" - Jens Stoltenberg, current NATO alliance General Secretary. 

A blantly false assertion and statement, since he became a leading crucial figure and instrumental part of the single ruling party Japanese political establishment, that wasn't in power and forming ruling governments only briefly twice since the establishment of the 1953 system.

He was an instrumental member of a long-running decades spanning aristocratic ruling classes political family in Japan (who's father, who was also Prime Minister once at the time, was responsible for signining a deal and agreement with the US government in the 1960s, that sparked nationwide infamous Anpo protests that paved the way for an indefinite increase of US military bases and presence on Okinawa and other islands and parts of Japan). 

He was also leading figure and a man using his political influence, power, family name and credibility in the Japanese ruling political establishment that was the most responsible for spearheading the intent and the political will for Japan to legally and constitutionally break away from it's post-war pacifist constitutional and legal commitments and obligations that inhibited it and prevented it to have a independent army and military force that could be used to wage first strike, aggressive wars against it's neighbours and abroad, using his said political influence and power to obfuscate the democratic and legislative processes to make an attempt, almost effectively by fiat, to dramatically make such a foundational constitutional amendment and crucial and critical change in the new foundation and conception of the Japanese post-war political and legal system. 

Also, one cannot analyze this tragic event without having in mind the fierce resistance, powerlessness and alienation of some, not small insignificant parts of the Japanese public that felt and feel that their almost, borderline patrimonial aristocratic political elite and their old corporate monopoly gerontocratic business elite backers and allies that effectively have all the power concentrated and monopolised for them to run the country alone as they see fit, are deliberately taking the country away from it's pacifist commitments and developed post-war culture to again to a more justifying and past revisionist militaristic, aggressive stance towards China in general and regarding the Taiwanese question (signaling commitment to partake directly in it's military defence with the US and it's other allied countries on that issue) for their own business interest and at the behest and demands of the US government and present US military apparatus stationed in the Asia-Pacific region. 

As for the person who assassinated him, here it seems is the culmination and eruption of his personal grievances that are combined I would assume with deep often repressed and unspoken feelings of anxiety, powerlessness and insecurity felt in some large parts of the Japanese population that the Japanese political elite, with the former Prime Minister in question being effectively their establishment's long running "Grey Eminence" with the most power, credibility and influence within the LDP ruling party, are yet taking them again in and exposing Japan again to a precipice of a scourge of another potentially equally or even more devastating war with China for the sake of their own holding onto relevancy and power maintenance interests of finding a new threat and boogeyman, Big Business military interests both in Japan and in the US from which they don't have an independent say, stance or policy but act effectively as the US's political stooges in that regard and without the Japanese people's consent and input on the issue of them being driven in into another potentially devastating and destructive war on their mainland by their unaccountable and unchanging intertwining interests of their authoritarian, patrimonial, aristocratic political and business elites interests coaligning and the behest of the US government and military interests in the Asia-Pacific. 

Also his homemade gun, in my personal opinion and taste, looks aesthetically pleasing, awesome and rad, like an improvised futuristic wrist mounted grenade launcher - like a fitting signature accomplice weapon beffiting of a true futuristic assassin who lives by and for the Creed-

"Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted" - Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad ?



Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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@Extreme Z7

7 hours ago, Extreme Z7 said:

Seems like the article has been updated to say that he has unfortunately died. Perhaps I'll update the title of this post too.

   This also why I want a feature were you can change your title if you've made a mistake, if we can edit our posts, we surely can edit our titles.

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3 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

They're lying parasitic sacks of shit. I have no heart for them. 

If you have the audacity to be pro-inflation, in a world of 1% of millionaires and billionaires, I do not mourn your death. You will not be missed. Good riddance, in fact. Cockroaches. 

Whatever those scales are for consciousness, I’d wager this person is close to the bottom. 

Such a terribly ignorant view. Terrible and ignorant. 

This is just a statement about character and chosen words.

Don’t even care to discuss the implications of hyper inflation, ruling elites, politics, etc. etc. with you now. They’re all legit issues. You just seem like a real insect. 

Edited by SourceCodo


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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Macabre choice of phrase.

Oh yeah. Unintentional


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1 hour ago, SourceCodo said:

Whatever those scales are for consciousness, I’d wager this person is close to the bottom. 

Such a terribly ignorant view. Terrible and ignorant. 

This is just a statement about character and chosen words.

Don’t even care to discuss the implications of hyper inflation, ruling elites, politics, etc. etc. with you now. They’re all legit issues. You just seem like a real insect. 

In one sentence, you say that my level of consciousness is close to the bottom, then you agree with me!! What does that say about you?! 

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wishing death on someone or being glad they're dead is low consciousness lol

in b4 what about hilter

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10 minutes ago, hoodrow trillson said:

wishing death on someone or being glad they're dead is low consciousness lol

in b4 what about hilter

what about osama?


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4 hours ago, hoodrow trillson said:

wishing death on someone or being glad they're dead is low consciousness lol

in b4 what about hilter

No one is wishing death upon or glad that a human being died, but in fact people are just observing what led up to such a tragic unfolding of events, and how the person in question was himself responsible in exacerbating the conditions in the fueling of the potentiality of such outcomes or events to transpire or come to fruition. 

If you have similar beliefs to Hitler, and you are enacting political, economic and cultural policies similar as such that eventually trickle down to your domestic population's mental, socio-cultural and material well-being don't be surprised as such that you may get attempts to target and terminate your life as the biggest and most influential and easily recognizable symbolic figurehead of that or undeclared recognized leader of that, and that some of those crafty and innovative enough might be successful - even though with all the current available evidence about the motivations behind this killing (I don't want to use the word assassination since this doesn't seem to be a politically influenced or motivated killing) are a personal self-identity ego grievance in nature:

"Before carrying out the attack he had posted a message online saying, "I will kill people in Akihabara" and "I don't have a single friend, I am ignored because I'm ugly. I am lower than trash." 

My point is if it was going to happen inevitably, better that he killed this 67 year-old full-lived life backwards looking old politically powerful and influential geezer to send a strong political message to the Japanese and international public about the dysfunctionality and toxicity of their politics and it's connected culture, then some innocent random strolling kids or young adults in Akihabara* to vent his piled on and accumulated frustrations out - at least unlike American mass-shooter incels he had more human dignity, honor and one can maybe call it "self-consciousness" and "self-awareness" and "bravery" not to vent out his anger and frustrations and target and kill innocent bystanders and civilians of often oppressed minority and marginalised groups in the country, but rather the former very influential head of the government that led to such policies and troubled and anxious state in the country - more total good than no one at all in already desperate and tragic unfolding of events and situation. 

And finally there is nothing inherently wrong or unnatural in killing if it is part of the natural process of the flow of the world - "Killing is murder only when it's wrong" - now that is an assertion to contemplate around. 

excerpt from "Decision and Dissent" by David Brianza. 




Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Extreme Z7

   This also why I want a feature were you can change your title if you've made a mistake, if we can edit our posts, we surely can edit our titles.

But I was able to edit my title. I wrote "in Critical Condition" originally.

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Thread vibes be like.
The holy fire enlightens, burns and cleanses !


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1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:


I wasn't aware of or reffering to the person in question quoted below my quote when I wrote the first sentence of my paragraph. 

I was only referring to the content of my original first post above the second one I afterwards wrote as a response to the interpreted insertion that I thought was addressed to me as well for my feeling of skepticisms on way the news of this event was reported, generally received and interpreted that my first post contained specifically celebratory or cheerful elements of a person's death. 

I wasn't referring in plural to all persons who commented on this thread but was only referring to myself personally, nor did I suggest that people should be "grouped" based on opinions and feelings expressed around this issue, someone else did that already automatically in their mind beforehand as general rule of thumb when approaching "a set group of people" people they themselves compartmentalised based on their own personally quickly assessed and assumed filtering criteria that are discussing this issue. 

Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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1 hour ago, Extreme Z7 said:

More info on the killer's motivations.


The guy had multiple homemade guns and freakin' explosives in his home.

"The suspected shooter told officers he had a grudge against a specific group he believed Abe was connected to, police said, adding that they were investigating why the former PM was targeted out of other people related to the group.

- Hmmm an interesting added spin and crucial layer of information to the story. Is it the far-right political  sectarian and historical revisionist organisation Nippon Kaigi perhaps that he was reffering to and that is embedded within some members of the LDP leadership 

Asked by a member of the Japanese media whether the gunman's intention was to kill Abe, police say only that Mr Yamagami admitted to shooting the former PM."

- Perhaps his only intention was to send a strong political message to the Nippon Kaigi sectarian organisation and exclusivitic club made up of some older and influential Japanese political elites embedded in some parts of the LDP that they cannot operate with complete immunity and sense of omnipotence from the general public within their country and solely using their political power and majority in the Senate - Upper House via LDP dictate themselves the direction in which they wish to take the country and it's citizens via a more readily belligerent stance towards their biggest neighbour, trading partner and rival in the region - namely China - and maybe some other international affairs regarding that sects embedded within the party stated ideological stances on past historical and contemporary international political situations. 

So he possibly maybe originally had in mind at first perhaps that he wanted to target and wound the most publicly recognizable and influential head of that organisation and exclusivitic sect in order to send them a message that they are not invisible, invincible, immune, free reigning and omnipotent from the Japanese general public and their scrutiny in which direction they want to take their country to using these said mechanisms in Japanese politics and culture.

He probably maybe had in mind with the original intent of the plan to represent and paint himself with the optics of the act as the bold enough and brave enough representative of the unheard "Silent Majority" of the country that carried out in the name of that part of the Japanese general public and constituency - in maybe perhaps hopes that he will became the "brave and bold enough, self-sacrificing" political symbol of martyrdom and victimhood of that part of the Japanese general public in order to mobilize them and usher in a demand for political change with that botched act as the only avenue left for that part of voice of the public to be heard in order garner sympathies as a political martyr leader symbolising that part of the unheard "Silent Majority" of the Japanese public in his idealising delusional head of how idealistically and optimistically this pre-planned act and event in his head should have transpired and which political direction it should have taken centering around him as the main instigator and usherer of instability and perceived necessary changes to come within the country that will rid it from this perceived current rotting foundations, the course they have set in themselves for and their accompanying corruption exhibited in some parts of the leadership that he saw. 


Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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There is a special place in hell for politicians who are pro-inflation. We all know where this guy is burning right now. 

Believe me. When inflation rears its ugly head, you will know whom to wish death upon! Look at Sri Lanka. 

Being a pro-inflation politician is textbook elitism. Textbook elite-oppression of the masses. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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Nobody deserves to have their life ended like that, not even Hitler.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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@puporing I'd like to hear you say that on the day you have to pay $10 million for a cup of coffee. 

I mean, what other solution do you have for inflation? Do keep in mind that people lose lives due to inflation, due to inflated hospital-bills. I think that being pro-inflation and pushing those policies is genocide and deserves capital punishment. You're killing the common man by doing that. 

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@mr_engineer You're asking if I'll lower my standards? I don't think so, but I guess it's always a possibility. Maybe if my brain gets fried one day.

There's always problems to solve but there's gotta be a hard line drawn about violence.


I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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@puporing And what if they aren't drawing this line? And they're violently forcing you to pay $10 million for a bypass surgery or something? 

Pro-inflation policy is outright genocide. They are the violent ones here! I'm just expressing my lack of sympathy for him getting shot. 

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@mr_engineer It's a decision about, do you want to solve problems with violence or non-violence. Once you open that can, it's easy to justify violence for anything.

In that case and I can't afford it, I'd rather die than shoot someone and think that it'll guarantee some change I want.

There're usually many other unexplored ways to affect change towards conscious politics if that's one of your passions. 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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