Someone here

Is this youtube channel legitimate for giving dating advice?

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Here's one of his videos. 

I usually watch his videos for entertainment and fun . Never really thought of applicating his advice. 


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You never thought of applying the advice to ask her out?

If you're not doing that, then what the hell are you doing during your one approach a day conversations?

Just ask her out.

That part of the video makes sense, the advice part is fine.

You don't need an instagram course.

You (talking specifically to you now) need to figure out your bottleneck.

You're talking to women. Good. Are they responding to your conversation attempts? I assume yes.

Are those conversations leading to dates? If yes, good. If no, solve that part of the equation.

Use this forum to get feedback on what you are actually saying and doing.

If you are getting dates, but they don't turn into kissing/something sexual, solve that part of the equation.

Get feedback on what you are actually saying and doing.

Edited by flowboy

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@flowboy he  doesn't  teach you how to ask her out  or how to communicate effectively with the other sex. Movies, TV shows,,YouTube channels ,advice from friends ..that’s all you have to rely on. Which in the Indian context, as we all know, justifies creepy-ism. What did you expect to happen? All we can hope for is a strong creep warning to be put out by people who know when it takes place, call them out, and ask them to STOP

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Which in the Indian context, as we all know, justifies creepy-ism.

Yes, I've heard guys from India are severely duped by their culture in the area of game.

Though there are no cultures that I know of which don't come with unhelpful conditioning and lies in that area.

Definitely don't try to learn from movies and TV, doing that hurt my success a lot.

It's just a damn shame when there are no healthy rolemodels to show you how to be with women.

What I would have given just to have some good example from my father or an older brother. Or even a helpful friend I could trust.

I had none of that and I suffered a lot.


There's no special sauce to how to ask someone out.

Just embody leading energy.

(my guess is that's where you have to go against the cultural grain, in my anecdotal experience Indian guys are conditioned to be quite meek and polite)

"Let's go here. Let's do X together. I'll text you when and where"

Resist the temptation to say "Would you like to" and make it into a question, don't make it into a question.

No questions, just suggestions. "Let's ... dot." No question mark. I can't stress this enough.

Lead by giving options. "We can either go eat X or we could go drink Y". You're still in the lead because you're the one giving the options.

Start with leading in small steps. When you talk to someone on the street, get her to take a detour with you.

Then get her to sit down with you, for example.

Then say let's do X together. If she followed the other small leads, high chance she'll say yes.

If you've communicated at some point that you find her attractive/cute, that's all that's needed.


Embodying leading energy is the most important thing. Focus on that, forget the rest.

Doing that can take you all the way over the finish line, without knowing any other game.

Not doing that is a guarantee to not get laid.

It's a fundamental principle: her feminine energy has to trust your masculine energy.

Which means she will only want to be intimate with you if she's willing to follow your lead.

Edited by flowboy

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@flowboy I appreciate your advice bro .

My core problem is I'm unexperienced and desperate for women 

Girls can tell if a guy is desperate when he uses pick up artist strategies and when he tries so hard to hide insecurities that they end up standing out even more. Women can sense when a guy is using these insincere techniques and games on her. They  know the mirroring body language, the negging, the lines that are meant to put us in an insecure state to put guys at a psychological advantage. They know when you try to erode  confidence. The ladies who fall for that scam won’t be attractive to you for very long, even if they look like a model.

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45 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Girls can tell if a guy is desperate when he uses pick up artist strategies and when he tries so hard to hide insecurities that they end up standing out even more. Women can sense when a guy is using these insincere techniques and games on her. They  know the mirroring body language, the negging, the lines that are meant to put us in an insecure state to put guys at a psychological advantage. They know when you try to erode  confidence. The ladies who fall for that scam won’t be attractive to you for very long, even if they look like a model.

Less thinking about women, more talking to women :P 

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49 minutes ago, something_else said:

Less thinking about women, more talking to women :P 

Just mere talking isn't enough . I've been talking to women every single day for the last month or so.  Still not working.  Its because I don't know how to act confident and non-needy .

Then I try finding something else to do that brings value my life . By keeping  myself busy with activities i enjoy. And that’s how you can come across as “not desperate” because when you occupy your time with doing something you enjoy, it shows your focus is on doing something for your own wellbeing. It shows that your whole life isn’t revolving around getting laid or comparing your status to someone else.

 We all hear the cliche of "Be yourself". What if my authentic  self is not attractive  to women ?

Edited by Someone here

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@Someone here The stuff in the video seemed like common sense, but then again it looks like even the most common sense stuff is necessary for a lot of guys nowadays, so you might really benefit from it.

Here is another common sense type of video, which I think is even more important for you.


Edited by Federico del pueblo

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