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Duality In Dreams

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Imo dreams hint to the dreamer that things aren't as they seem. Obviously when you dream everything is happening within you, but it doesnt feel that way mostly -

So from this observation alone we see that duality is an illusion,  at least in dreams, but we can project that as a hypothesis in waking reality too, just need to awaken and see it was/is all within us.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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3 hours ago, cetus56 said:


@Vanish I just heard a great quote that I wanted to share with you. "You use a stick to stir a fire knowing that eventually you will throw the stick in the fire too".


I guess i got many sticks left too but whenever the last one shows up i just know that i have to throw that one in too.

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29 minutes ago, brovakhiin said:

Wow fascinating...but an 8 hour sit...any volunteers? 9_9

@brovakhiin I've done middle of night meditations before. 1to 2 hrs. They can get pretty intense. You'll be tripping your ass off for sure with 8 hrs. It would be interesting though. Lots of lucid dreaming. in and out of various states of awareness. The last time I did it I was in a semi conscious state of awareness at one point and than I suddenly became fully aware that there was a void staring me in the face. Seriously, it was like a black hole in consciousness. That woke me up! So yea, there's lots to explore there.


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Very interesting topic eh? How's this for a twist on lucidity during dreams and non-duality in dreams. I can explicity remember fragments of a very recent dream. Some older man had done something selfish or harmful directly to me by being weak in some way that affected me negatively. In other words I was the 'victim' of the consequences of another's action or non-action, and should have felt slighted or diminished in some way. (Or normally would have anyway, but in my 'real' [ha ha], waking life I am working hard to transcend any victim mentality, as it is usually pretty worthless & 'suffery'.)

So anyway, in my dream, I seemed to become lucid that I was dreaming just before I reacted to this perceived slight, and instead of reacting angrily, or in any kind of 'poor me' manner, I embraced him and told him quietly that I understood that his weakness had driven him in action, not any intended malice, and that it was okay, I loved him as a brother, and that I was fine, unbesmirched and happy that both of us were here to have the chance to 'fuck things up' sometimes.

WTF eh? A little consciousness & growth in my waking state now transferring into my dreams... I've grown there too? Ooooh I get chills lol. Either that or my dreamly ego's all pleased with itself for trying not to be an unconscious asshole during my waking hours. 

Edited by FirstglimpseOMG

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Interesting indeed, thanks for sharing



Good for you. Of course, being more awake in the waking state is going to translate into the dream state also. It can be a great, virtuous circle if maintained days and nights.

So, like you said it can be an indicator of progress , but dreams can also be 'obstacles' that give you the ground of security and reinsurance that your ego wants.

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14 hours ago, FirstglimpseOMG said:

I embraced him and told him quietly that I understood that his weakness had driven him in action, not any intended malice, and that it was okay, I loved him as a brother, and that I was fine, unbesmirched and happy that both of us were here to have the chance to 'fuck things up' sometimes

@FirstglimpseOMG You embraced yourself. It's all you brother. Every bit of it.

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You probably have, especially as a child you just don't remember.


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