
Leo are you imaginary?

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In your own words do you consider yourself to be imaginary?

Or do you consider yourself to be real and everything else imaginary?

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Lock the thread and restrict user from chatting due to not learning a single lesson on this forum and asking same thing again and again.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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You are the Now. 

When you get down to the very bottom of what is it that you actually are.. what you’ll find is that what you are.. is not any of the concepts you attach to yourself.. but that all you are is raw consciousness itself. Your consciousness and my consciousness are not similar.. but PERFECTLY identical. Not talking about the contents of consciousness.. but the consciousness itself.. being the feeling of felt experience.. the very sense of being.  That is absolutely perfectly one hundred percent identical across all things. And despite all the perceived differences within our consciousness.. the one thing that it all has in common is that it is all happening right now. Your now and my now are the exact same. 

For a while I thought Leo is not awake and he is far "gone".. Lost in solipsism and there is no hope for him. But I became precisely aware of what he means by "everything is imaginary". This is my own interpretation after all. 

"everything is imaginary " is pointing to something. that term only makes sense in contrast to it’s opposite.  So if we said that your mother is imaginary.. you have to ask “as opposed to what?” What is imagined aka what is experienced is as real as real can be.  The duality of real and imaginary collapses into a unity as do all dualities.  Your life is true and real. It’s just not ULTIMATELY true.  It’s relatively true. The ultimate truth is that all there really is is consciousness/the present moment.. and everything else is concept which can be interpreted differently from view point to view point. Your life is conceptual.  But that doesn’t mean it’s not real. 

When Leo says  the "everything is imaginary” thing.. he doesn’t mean what you think he means.  When he says that everything is imaginary.. he’s saying that everything is merely appearance without substance.. and that how we interpret those appearances is relative. Consider that whether I am a real person or not is relative. There is no factual truth about it because it's conceptual. Unlike THIS. 

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locked for low quality lol

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Leo probably thinks he's 'really imaginary' or 'imaginarily real'.  (pssst.. there's no difference)


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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Seriously, how is this guy still allowed to post these utterly dumb questions again and again and again. He's had how many posts locked for low quality? At what point do you just ban him, because he is obviously not learning anything at all. Is this what you want this forum to be? 

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