The Insane Power Of Status

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15 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

And there are people who cannot even walk. Life is not fair, but that doesn't make it bad.  If you have something enjoy it, if you don't have something, then seek it and in all your conditions love life. it is hard to love life while it is unfair but this is the challenge.

I am just stating some bitter facts about reality. These facts are bitter for the 99% of people who don't reap the rewards that the 1% gets. 

We all act like we are better than others but we really are not.

If you are born in California, with great parenting, great genetics then you can't take ownership of that success. You just won the lottery. You were born in one of the best places on planet Earth.

Imagine if you were born in a sh*thole. 

I am lucky too myself. I could be living in Africa and not have one bit of education. But i always stay humble. I do not take ownerships of the circumstances i was born into.

A billion different variables must converge and the stars must align for you to be in the situation you are.

Take a close look at the best scientists we have. Their parents were scientists and super intelligent aswell. Same applies for wealthy people.

I like this quote.


When there was slavery , the master knew he was a master because his parents were masters. And the slaves knew they were slaves because their parents were mostly slaves.


Edited by SQAAD

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16 hours ago, UnbornTao said:


Wealthy, famous and funny= ideal recipe.

Ideal recipe for the 1% of people who have most of the resources under the capitalist system. Disaster and misery for the rest 99%.

You gotta love God's design ^_^

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14 hours ago, Chives99 said:

I couldn't stand to date a celebrity usually quite stuck up and naracisstic, fame can ruin a persons integrity and authenticity when they're bombarded with desperate attention 24/7

This is true.

It has been studied that wealthy people on average tend to have less empathy and feel more entitled than the little people.

A wealthy person is less likely to stop his car and let you pass a road for example.

The ego mind feels like it deserves its great fortune and creates bs stories that are fanstastical and not based on truth.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This quote comes to mind.

The only great exception that comes to mind is Marcus Aurelious who didn't abuse his power. He could sleep with any women he wanted but did not do so. Unlike like high conscious folks like Caligula and Nero ^_^ who would sleep with your wife at the dinner table at the slightest whim.

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@SQAADEven if you'r born in the best environment, with the best parents and the best teachers, that doesn't garuntee you will be a successful person. Karma has a big role here too. I always prefer to not look at  how unfair life is, I always try to look how I could be better, How I could live better. 

It really depends on you in the end. You either take responsiblity for your life or you will always be governed by circumstances. This is the genius of life.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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4 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@SQAADEven if you'r born in the best environment, with the best parents and the best teachers, that doesn't garuntee you will be a successful person. Karma has a big role here too. I always prefer to not look at  how unfair life is, I always try to look how I could be better, How I could live better. 

It really depends on you in the end. You either take responsiblity for your life or you will always be governed by circumstances. This is the genius of life.

Yes there are no guarantees but it surely greatly increases the chances.

I agree with the last part. I try to do the best i can. Do your best and let God take care of the rest.

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13 hours ago, something_else said:

Yea because it makes them insecure as fuck because they don’t have any status to speak of

I disagree. This sounds like some of Peterson's strawman arguements.

Its hard to have a big status when most of the wealth is in the hands of the few. Most are stuck because of the system. 

Imagine if you were born a peasant in medieval times. How would you feel when you saw the lord having all the best females? Lol

You would understandably feel anger.

Most men find it repugnant when a female chooses a narcissitic entitled prick who his parents happened to be millionaires over a more conscious and more developed human being.

When i see women , picking less conscious men over unconscious men who have tons of resources, yes i find it repugnant , even though i understand they can't really help themselves very much. Its an evolved survival variant.

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27 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Sex is about survival but also about self esteem. She thought "can I fuck this rich guy? If I can that would mean I'm still sexworthy and not an old tard". Women get especially insecure when they hit their 30'ies. They know the ship is sinking and they are constantly checking their sexual worth. If you understand the situation and you have your shit together you can pillage around.

Self-esteem, also survival.

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10 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

Yeah he will appreciate it well before cheating on you next week. Most of those high status individuals cannot keep their dicks in their pants.


ahahahahahaha ^_^

true story bro

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21 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


Ideal recipe for the 1% of people who have most of the resources under the capitalist system. Disaster and misery for the rest 99%.

You gotta love God's design ^_^

Let me reformulate that:

Famous and wealthy: looks are secondary.

Financially mediocre but funny, good in bed, socially valuable (charismatic, confident, lots of interesting friends): looks are secondary

That was partly a joke. Anyone who wants to can seduce women. Playing the victim isn't necessary. Play with whatever you've got. It can also be improved and added upon.

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10 hours ago, Fernanda said:

Status is beautiful. What some men fail to get is that beautiful women do need high status and a level of sucess to show up in the game as beautiful women. They take beauty for granted. It takes time and money to take care of yourself properly and keeping up with all physical and emotional changes that happen. Yes, we are able to totally reinvent ourselves and be beautiful. So, beauty and status are interlinked. A high status man would know how to appreciate that, even if it's just for a brief moment. It's just my perspective.

Lets see how much this high status guys will appreciate your beauty 10-20 years from now or even few months from now when he gets bored with you. Then the lies and excuses will begin for why he can't spend more time with you. 

Most of these type of guys cheat their wives like crazy. Every woman almost want them.They don't find you beautiful for too long. Its really hard to compete these days.

Find me a super wealthy person who doesn't cheat his wife and doesn't have escorts/prostitutes and i'll be very impressed. Sure they exist but they are the 1% of 1%.

A guy can have the most beautiful female in the world, and still cheat and get bored with her.

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3 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

Most men find it repugnant when a female chooses a narcissitic entitled prick who his parents happened to be millionaires over a more conscious and more developed human being.

When i see women , picking less conscious men over unconscious men who have tons of resources, yes i find it repugnant , even though i understand they can't really help themselves. Its an evolved feature in their system. 

The thing is... you can get girls even if you don't have crazy resources. There are plenty of girls to go around.

It's not like you need to be a top 1% millionaire to get girls, not even close.

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58 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

@Leo Gura

Yes this can be a useful heuristic but at the same time it is highly 'unfair' for the 99% of people who are not a somebody and never will be.

Hot sex is unfair. Yeah. Welcome to natural selection.

But on a more hopeful note, you can create status for yourself by developing yourself into a massive value provider. Status is much better than looks because it can be built. You should be thankful that women will take status over looks.


Most high value people, had high value parents. Also most celebrities are incredible lucky. In most cases power has more to do with matter of circumstance rather any anything else.

Yeah, but you shouldn't care about most cases, you should only care about the fact that you can create status for yourself.


My point is that if you want to survive as a woman you can sleep with someone like Genghis Khan and thats what you'll probably do. But maybe if you decided to sleep with someone like Jesus Christ, then the world would be a much better place. It would probably lower the massive inequality of resources too. 

Last time I checked Christ had more status than the Khan ;)

So what you're saying is, all you have to do to get laid is be God ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Hot sex is unfair. Yeah. Welcome to natural selection.

But on a more hopeful note, you can create status for yourself by developing yourself into a massive value provider. Status is much better than looks because it can be built. You should be thankful that women will take status over looks.

Yeah, but you shouldn't care about most cases, you should only care about the fact that you can create status for yourself.

Last time I checked Christ had more status than the Khan ;)

So what you're saying is, all you have to do to get laid is be God ;)

I certainly believe you can provide bigger value, but still there are systemic limits. I highly doubt everyone who tries hard and is capable can become wealthy.

Becoming wealthy is a lot of matter of luck in my eyes. You go into the right industry at the right time , at the right country, at the right economy etc.

I certainly can become more conscious and knowledgable and skillful. But physical wealth is much trickier and thats what women mostly care about .

The Christ example is misinterpeted. Imagine that you are as conscious as Ramana Maharshi but dirt poor. You don't even care about wealth anymore.

And then on the other hand you have some underdeveloped very very low consciousness narcissistic rock star.

Guess who the ladies are gonna choose almost every time. This explains why we have so many low consciousness people on this planet. Women need to start taking responsibility ^_^

This natural selection goes against the most conscious guys and favors the biggest scums.

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8 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

@Leo Gura

I certainly believe you can provide bigger value, but still there are systemic limits. I highly doubt everyone who tries hard and is capable can become wealthy.

Becoming wealthy is a lot of matter of luck in my eyes. You go into the right industry at the right time , at the right country, at the right economy etc.

I certainly can become more conscious and knowledgable and skillful. But physical wealth is much trickier and thats what women mostly care about .

The Christ example is misinterpeted. Imagine that you are as conscious as Ramana Maharshi but dirt poor. You don't even care about wealth anymore.

And then on the other hand you have some underdeveloped very very low consciousness narcissistic rock star.

Guess who the ladies are gonna choose almost every time. This explains why we have so many low consciousness people on this planet. Women need to start taking responsibility ^_^

This natural selection goes against the most conscious guys and favors the biggest scums.

You seem to be conflating consciousness with the decision to live a certain way.

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1 hour ago, something_else said:

The thing is... you can get girls even if you don't have crazy resources. There are plenty of girls to go around.

It's not like you need to be a top 1% millionaire to get girls, not even close.

Yes this is true but you are always somewhat worried at the back of your mind, that some other guy might take her from you. (Unless you have 1% status or unless you are more high value than the woman).

But even if you are 1% status, if you lose your health, your status will be worth much much less to a woman.. Health is an important component of status too.

Especially if you date a beautiful woman, the chances that she will dump you for someone wealthier and 'better' are very very high. Thats why its advised to date women that are on your level.

Its a difficult game to play. Also keep in mind that subconsciously the ego-mind is always looking for replacement.

In case you lose your health or lose your wealth a woman will probably have a 'friend' as a backup. Men do that too. Its crazy if you think about it but makes sense. Survival is not fking around for sure. 

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32 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

You seem to be conflating consciousness with the decision to live a certain way.

High Consciousness is the best way to live your life and Consciousness is the #1 Value for myself. It trumps sex or money or anything else.

If you were to give me 10 million dollars but be as conscious as Ted Bundy or give me nothing but be as conscious as Ramana Maharshi, if you are wise and intelligent enough you'll always choose the latter one.

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53 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

But physical wealth is much trickier and thats what women mostly care about .


No woman has ever cared about my wealth. I wish they did. I would get laid more.

If you think women are attracted to money you have no idea how women work.

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@Leo Gura

50 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


No woman has ever cared about my wealth. I wish they did. I would get laid more.

If you think women are attracted to money you have no idea how women work.

This seems to contradict your initial post where you talked about how important status is.

Resources and/or the properties that lead to acquisition of resources seem to be very important for women and clearly demostrated by the story i posted and other similar examples. If the old man in the story gave a card which said ''garbage collector'' , the woman wouldn't probably call him. Thats the harsh reality.

It's not the only thing that matters though for sure. I recognize that there are many other attributes that women want like kindness, attentiveness, good health, intelligence, etc.

I have come across many women who mostly care about wealth. I don't know what type of women you happen to meet and in what area. But there is some truth behind women chasing money for sure. I have experienced this and seen it too many times.

I have also watched interviews of prostitutes who talk about how important money is for them. Some claim they care more about money than love, like the woman below.


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Lol, to a prostitute, yeah, money is important.

Although if your game was on point you could even get freebies out of prostitutes. Plenty of guys I know do it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Lol, to a prostitute, yeah, money is important.

I have this theory in my head.. I think women who were born with lack of money, seek money like crazy when they grow up. I see this pattern all the time. 

Its like they have a knee jerk reaction against lack of money and they are willing to do anything to get money.

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