
I think it is time...

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My name is Eric and I'm an alcoholic :),

    So here is the deal. I have been into consciousness work and spirituality for close to 4 years now. I am a daily meditator and never miss a day of taking a cold shower sometimes twice a day, and I ground regularly. I exercise daily and sort of eat healthy... Wait that is a lie I eat like shit, but I dream of eating healthy. I have been toying with the idea of psychedelics for some time now, but I have yet to pull the trigger. One reason is that I am a recovering drug addict and an alcoholic. I have been sober for about the same amount of time that I have been working with spirituality. In fact the same hopelessness and futility of existence that kept me addicted are the same problems that were solved when I began walking a spiritual path. I have tripped on acid and taken mushrooms back in the day, but not for consciousness expansion. It was more like "lets trip balls and watch The Wall". That kind of thing. So I am soon to begin researching up and planning my psychedelic journey. 


Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I feel like DMT might be the way to go, but I need the step by step guide. Can anyone put me on a resource? Also, by resource I do not mean drug source. I am not there yet.... but soon!

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DMT is very strong, intense, and rapid. It's also difficult to dose accurately. Not a good starter psychedelic.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Start with LSD or Mushrooms. Low dose - 100-150ug or 2g of Mushrooms.

Go into the trip with an open heart and with much of love for yourself.

See what happens / what comes up.

That would be my tip for the first time.

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AL-LAD is a LSD analogue. I enjoyed my trips with it a lot. Pretty gentle, wonderful experiences. Great for reconnecting to the mystical feeling of wonder.

Recommended for beginners. I'd imagine it would be ideal for microdosing, too.

Of course, start low and slowly increment the dosage with subsequent trips. 

Edited by UnbornTao

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Forgot to add:

There are several subreddits out there. Look up their wikis, too. There you'll find a plethora of recommended resources. Search Reddit for these and related terms:

  • Microdosing
  • LSD
  • 5-MeO-DMT
  • 1P-LSD
  • Psychonauts
  • Psychedelics
  • Etc.

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3 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

Forgot to add:

There are several subreddits out there. Look up their wikis, too. There you'll find a plethora of recommended resources. Search Reddit for these and related terms:

  • Microdosing
  • LSD
  • 5-MeO-DMT
  • 1P-LSD
  • Psychonauts
  • Psychedelics
  • Etc.

Thank you for this I will absolutely check this out.

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@Mojoson I recommend starting of with 1-2g of shrooms, depends on how strong the shrooms are. But it will get your mind associated with the psychedelic type of experience and it doesnt last very long. about 3 hours, with 4 and 5 being more of an afterglow. Then work you way up increasing the doses to 3.5. When you can handle that, Id say go for LSD. Because its a little more mentally taxing and last up to 9 hours. start with 1 tab then up to 2 or 3. Then you could be ready for DMT, making sure you measure your doses with a microgram scale. 15mg to start out. Space each trip out to give your brain time to recover and integrate. For the processes: Id say on a day off work and have the following day clear as well so you can rest and integrate the next day, start with the shrooms, then wait 2 weeks to bump up the dose for another session. Give your mind time to integrate all that for about 2-3 more weeks. Then go ahead and move to the LSD and repeat the process increasing dosage slowly. Then to the DMT. Its also perfectly fine to do the same dose each consecutive 2-3 weeks so your mind is more acclimatized to the psychedelic before increasing the dosage or moving to the next. No more than dosing once a week. Find your tolerance and a cycle that you feel comfortable with. Just make sure your following a consecutive dose amount, dont go from 2 tabs and jump up to 5 tabs 2 weeks later. make sure its linear. You can do as much space in between the trips as you want. But I wouldn't exceed 6 month gaps at the low dose range. Because you want to build traction with your comfort. Once you get to the higher doses you may want to space that out up to 3-6 months apart. It depends on your experience and comfort level.

Edited by Kamo

Focus on the solution, not the problem

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