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Serious Question, Could Reality cease to exist?

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Serious Question, Could Reality cease to exist?


Did anyone inquiry about that? What was your findings?

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"non-existence" doesn't exist. By definition. 

What you are confused about is nothing vs something. 

Form is formlessness. Formlessness is form.

Non existence cannot exist. Notice the contradiction.  If non existence existed .. It would be existence. Lol 

Reality can dissappear into a black void or something like that.. But it would still exist as that black void.  You  can't escape from existence. Whether you exist as a form or as formlessness

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No, because it is both existence and non-existence simultaneously. Or, something and nothing simultaneously. As such it is completely all encompassing...


Consider, if it ceased to exist, where could it go? If it can go somewhere else, such as into a nothingness, then it was never the "all there is" in question, because there is something (nothingness in this case) outside of itself... The "all there is" encapsulates all, and so there is no outside of itself to where it could go. It has absolutely no border, so there can't be a place where it ends and something else begins.

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2 hours ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Serious Question, Could Reality cease to exist?


Did anyone inquiry about that? What was your findings?

Only in your imagination.  There has to be something conscious that reality ceased.


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I dont fully understand the question

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no, because reality is nothing. absolutely nothing has no limitations, it has nothing, so nothing prevents it from being. it's a very strange thing to think about, since there is only that, always has been and always will be. that we are. and there is nothing else, that's all, the bottom of reality.

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@CuriousityIsKey I think Reality can completely cease to exist. And it can emerge again.


1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

. absolutely nothing has no limitations, it has nothing, so nothing prevents it from being. 

And by the same logic, nothing prevents it from "not being".

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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