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The reason you can't remember your first memory

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Have you noticed that you don't remember your first memory or where you came from ? You can go as far as to remember your first day at school and your first dream etc but you can't actually remember the very first spark of consciousness that you ever experienced in your life ? Like when exactly did you become aware that you are aware ?

so why exactly you can't remember your first memory?

It's Because there can't be a first distinct one.  It's like if you have a spectrum of the different degrees of the color yellow slowly shifting into orange.. Can you actually pinpoint where exactly does yellow "completely" turn into orange??  Of course you can't because it's a spectrum.. It's all yellow and it's all orange simultaneously but in different degrees.

You can't remember your "first" memory because there never was one!  How could you say that this particular event was my first memory without a frame of reference?  That is a prior experience to that to judge what's before and what's after that event.. And so you will keep looking for something prior and prior and it's infinite regress.. You can't determine the exact point that awareness popped at.  Just like in dreams at night.. You can't say when does the dream begin or what was the first appearance in the dream.. It just begins with no beginning!!

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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You were not here yet. You are created when your conciousness decide it cannot love a thing. Things were happening but not to you

Edited by Hojo

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Your logic is circular. Of course it is impossible to remember a memory you never had! How could it be otherwise? xD

No, the real reason you can't remember your birth and early childhood, is because there wasn't a solid enough sense of self to reference the experience to. Without constructing a basic self, there was no one there who had an experience that could be stored as a memory.

What you are arguing regarding infinite regress is true regarding every distinction, but it is irrelevant to the case of not having a pre-self memories. 

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8 hours ago, Batman said:

Your logic is circular. Of course it is impossible to remember a memory you never had! How could it be otherwise? xD

No, the real reason you can't remember your birth and early childhood, is because there wasn't a solid enough sense of self to reference the experience to. Without constructing a basic self, there was no one there who had an experience that could be stored as a memory.

What you are arguing regarding infinite regress is true regarding every distinction, but it is irrelevant to the case of not having a pre-self memories. 

Actually.. I have no idea if 'birth' was even real. Notice that your entire past is a thought you are having. Memories are just images in your mind. You see I don't take this stuff for granted. Lol 

But In any case.. I don't recall anything around The age of two or three. But that does not mean I wasn't conscious back then. It just means  that I don't recall. And that's a different thing. What if I lost  all memories of my entire life.. Does that mean I wasn't conscious yesterday just because I can't recall it? 

Obviously we were  conscious since the day we were born. We are just not self-conscious. Which means we are not conscious that we are conscious. We haven't developed an ego yet. As I said you are pure consciousness itself. Not the the separate sense of self that develops around the age of three. Hope it's clear for you now. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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