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Zooming into infinity

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Forgive me if this is in the wrong forum. But being not very scientifically minded (a high school drop out actually though I can hold my own) I don’t understand when Leo brings up zooming in every direction to infinity. My belief always was that atoms, quarks etc was as far as we could go. I heard someone say strings which I have no idea about, but that “has” a limit. Could someone please answer this for me? Is there more but science just hasn’t caught up?

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It's endless.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, JoeVolcano said:

What would be preventing you from zooming in further? (Aside from the capabilities of our instruments)

If something has a shape or structure of any kind, then in principle that shape or structure can be examined as closely as you want, right? So what would we find if we took the absolute smallest shape or structure we think exists, and examine it more closely? And more closely? And more closely? Can there ever be an end, in principle, to how closely we may want to examine this shape or structure? How would that work?


Yeah, that’s along the lines of what I’m thinking. That it’s only our technology that sees a limit on the micro. Thank you

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any number can be divided infinitely. Just add one more zero, infinitely 

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@Chanratt reality is an infinite fractal . You can zoom into a molecule( or any physical object for that matter) forever. 

Reality has no limits ..because anything that could limit it should sit outside of it ..and so on to infinity. So reality ends up being absolutely infinite. In all directions and all dimensions. 

I made this thread explaining infinity,so you might find it interesting and thought-provoking. 


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There is an old saying "How long is a piece of string?", usually used to suggest that a question asked was too broad in scope. Whoever came up with that saying probably never realised just how apt it is, because a piece of string is infinitely long.

You can't just measure the length of a piece of string in a straight line, because if you zoom in at a high enough magnification, you will notice it isn't straight at all, but rather more like a jagged coastline. The more you zoom in, the more of the coastline you would have to measure.

So that's another interesting way to look at the same question.

But what's really going on with regard to "zooming in to infinity" is a case of seek and ye shall find. The mind is capable of inventing endless detail. That's sort of how materialist science works - some idea is postulated as to what will be found if they look long and hard enough, and walla - they look really long and really hard... and they find it. And they'll keep finding more and more.

All knowledge as it pertains to an apparently physical world is top heavy. It balances on the head of a needle. At its very foundation is always a vanishingly tiny axiom that was never properly examined for its ability to take all the weight.





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You are like a child asking, But where do the numbers end?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You are like a child asking, But where do the numbers end?

Well, thanks for that slap upside the head?. These concepts that I have discovered through your channel are quite new to me, so I am like a child

Edited by Chanratt
Better explanation

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