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SCOTUS To Hear Case On Whether or Not States Can Overturn Presidential Elections

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This is pretty MAJOR and has some pretty terrifying implications for voting rights in America.


If SCOTUS rules in favor of Moore (who is the pro-Trump side of the case), then ISLD will become US law.

Here are some of the potential consequences of ISLD:

* State legislatures are allowed to throw out electoral college electors in federal presidential elections and replace them with whoever they like, overriding the public and giving every vote in their state to their preferred candidate

* State legislatures are allowed to destroy ballots for any reason they like in federal elections

* State legislatures are allowed to create new ballots for any candidate they like in federal elections (ballot stuffing)


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its definitely not what you probably want to read on the politics sub-forum, but I got to say it, this is a crazy dream I'm dreaming.

Edited by Gidiot

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No other way to say it: what we're witnessing is US democracy in the process of collapsing.

US institutions have proven themselves incapable of solving any of the underlying systemic problems which are fueling fascism, and the best it can do is play whackamole until reactionaries within the US finally succeed in their coup.

Trying to keep Republicans out of power forever is unsustainable, and whenever Republicans do have control of the presidency and Congress you can be sure that they're going to do everything in their power to make it so that they'll never be threatened by another election again.

I wouldn't blame my fellow Americans for seriously considering emigrating to another country, as things are poised to get really bad here over the next decade or two.


Edited by DocWatts

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1 hour ago, Etherial Cat said:

Yeah... The power grab started by the Republicans during the Trump era is still on going.

Let's not forget that stuffing the Supreme court with political allies was part of his plan for overturning the election. Trump is not benefiting from his coup attempt as of today, but the Republican party which is complicit is surely morally bankrupt enough to lean towards the same game.

If you are American, you might want to think about what's your civil war plan. It doesn't look good. The current situation looks like a frog slowly boilling in the water.

At this stage, I am thinking that unfortunately the transition towards more Green will come from chaos. It won't be incremental, through peaceful and reasonable reforms.

A Republican Blue leaning SCOTUS that leans towards ruling 6-3, with Amy Coney Barett as an occasional swing is what it is: a very very bad outlook.

I just hope a lot Orange centered Americans will realize that they hate more Blue than they hate Green.

Yes, its looking increasingly likely that a transition to Green will be marred with political violence and instability. Americans have to learn through immense suffering that right wing policies are bad. I'm afraid that by the time a large enough number realizes it we'll be knee deep in a far right theocracy with the full power of the state to supress any resistence. We're entering into some very grim territory. 

As a minority I am very concerned. There is very real sense of fear amongst people in my personal life. I'm seeing people I would have never thought buying and training in firearms. 

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10 hours ago, abundance said:

Yes, its looking increasingly likely that a transition to Green will be marred with political violence and instability. Americans have to learn through immense suffering that right wing policies are bad. I'm afraid that by the time a large enough number realizes it we'll be knee deep in a far right theocracy with the full power of the state to supress any resistence. We're entering into some very grim territory. . 

I suppose a lot of Orange people have been convinced they were easily able to outsmart and con Blue. There has been report claiming that someone like Trump isn't happy with the abortion ban, which is something he's got no problem with and has used extensively. Orange republicans never thought Blue would ever be in charge.

I've got some good hope Orange will not take well Blue policies suffocating its lifestyle and perspective. Blue and Orange do polarize in a very extreme way eventually, just like we saw it during the numerous war they fought against one another in the past. It's just a matter of time.

10 hours ago, abundance said:

As a minority I am very concerned. There is very real sense of fear amongst people in my personal life. I'm seeing people I would have never thought buying and training in firearms. 

I'd seriously consider immigration if things keeps on getting worse and you can make the logistic work. 

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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A revolution is at foot. That is, if the fat, lazy Americans will actually do something about their power being continuously stripped by this fascist coup.

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