
Surviving without ego?

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6 minutes ago, Kamo said:

How does one stop Identifying with Ego?

becoming selfless. loosening the barriers of selfishness that keep you imprisoned. ceasing to fear, opening yourself completely to existence.

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49 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

becoming selfless. loosening the barriers of selfishness that keep you imprisoned. ceasing to fear, opening yourself completely to existence.

Does this take a shift in your thinking? Acting more selflessly? How would you recommend "loosening barriers" practically?

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8 hours ago, Kamo said:


Does this take a shift in your thinking? Acting more selflessly? How would you recommend "loosening barriers" practically?

first, really wanting to let the ego go. understand as deeply as possible what it is, and decide that your path will not be to strengthen the ego, which is a trap, but to open yourself to existence. is to take one attitude or another.

the normal thing is to take the attitude of strengthening the ego, because it seems that in this way we will obtain security, success, improvement. those who can see further see that it is a trap, it leads to unhappiness and disaster, so you make the decision a little blindly, because your intuition, and things we have heard from teachers. then you have to see how to act to follow that path. selfless means, for example, to respect the truth totally. be completely truthful. remove the lie from you. go polishing yourself little by little with meditation, eliminate the compulsion, the evasive behavior. psychedelics help enormously, if you intend to go deeper, to understand yourself. It happens little by little then you get to a point where going beyond the ego ceases to be a promise and becomes everyday reality. you go beyond the defined, the conceptual, and you enter the real. this is life, and the other was survival. 

when you realize that nothing can come from outside of you, your behavior becomes righteous, selfless. this strengthens the path you have taken, the fear disappears. the ego is a reaction to fear, it is a survival mechanism. lying is fear. fear is very deep and there are many layers. Now the path continues effortlessly, there is no other possible option, and little by little the fear dissolves. and I suppose the time will come when it will completely disappear. or maybe not, but only the trend makes a radical difference

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Kamo said:

@Breakingthewall Is that your mode of perception now? living beyond ego? 

Yes, the ego is misery. Although I am in business, and I really like the survival game, the expansion of the mind, the opening, make life a beautiful experience. each time it is more like a dance and less like a military parade.

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@Breakingthewall Is that why your drawn to Were you always like that or did you become that way as a result of the teachings?

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5 hours ago, Kamo said:

@Breakingthewall Is that why your drawn to Were you always like that or did you become that way as a result of the teachings?

I started here because I was attracted to psychedelics to go deeper and here we talk about that. no teaching interests me, only sharing points of view that almost nobody is interested in and reading points of view and experiences of very intelligent and brave people who do not stop at any limit. 

but it's just a hobby. real work is not translated into words

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@Breakingthewall Well by teachings thats basically what im talking about. Learning any material via this platform to include Leos videos. What do you personally consider "real work"?

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31 minutes ago, Kamo said:

@Breakingthewall Well by teachings thats basically what im talking about. Learning any material via this platform to include Leos videos. What do you personally consider "real work"?

meditation, deconstruction of mental patterns, contemplation, psychedelics with the intention of deepening. nothing that is conceptual, nothing that nobody can say. the real is beyond words

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

meditation, deconstruction of mental patterns, contemplation, psychedelics with the intention of deepening. nothing that is conceptual, nothing that nobody can say. the real is beyond words

What does your deconstruction of mental patterns look like practically?

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3 minutes ago, Kamo said:

What does your deconstruction of mental patterns look like practically?

the mind ceases to be a parceled-out field where everything is classified, and becomes a shapeless well where there is room for love, genuine happiness, inspiration and true self-confidence to arise.

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@Breakingthewall I guess this kind of question is hard to put into words, since its quite subjective and personal but If you wanted to instruct someone else on the process, how would you explain it?

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5 minutes ago, Kamo said:

@Breakingthewall I guess this kind of question is hard to put into words, since its quite subjective and personal but If you wanted to instruct someone else on the process, how would you explain it?

I would ask him: do you realize what a trap the ego is? If you haven't realized, there's nothing I can tell you. If you have seen that clearly, you have already taken the first fundamental step. now you have a great job to do. your mind is full of barriers, the need for handholds to hold on to. of fear of freedom, of not knowing. you have to break them. How? first, really desiring to be free. wanting to open up to the truth. sit for hours alone in silence. Hit your structures with psychedelics. free yourself from the conceptual. dare with true freedom.

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So theres not actually any specific way to explain it? I appreciate your answers however they are rather vague and ambiguous?

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8 minutes ago, Kamo said:

So theres not actually any specific way to explain it? I appreciate your answers however they are rather vague and ambiguous?

They seem very specific to me. Let's see... do you understand what the ego is? How through language have you created a conceptual mental image, a matrix, and how have you substituted reality for this matrix, and become addicted to it? Do you see your dependence on the concept, on the idea transmitted by others? reality is not conceptual. the concept is a tool to manipulate reality, to survive as a species, but it possesses us like a demon. we are an infinite being of unlimited depth, but we are stuck in survival software. There is nothing I can say about the unlimited, only about the limited: break it. 

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5 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

but we are stuck in survival software.

Look closely at what thinks it's stuck.... Really actually LOOK!

There isn't anyone or anything there!

Then things may get really weird ? 




“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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2 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

Look closely at what thinks it's stuck.... Really actually LOOK!

There isn't anyone or anything there!

Then things may get really weird ? 




Yes, it's . calling it nothing makes no sense. it is existence. you can feel it, but not define it. it is empty but it is, and you can become the absolute that it is, indescribable. So you are that. More, you can realize how in that moment you are creating yourself. The body, the reality. Because you are everything. If not, who would be? But same time, if your body, the reality, dissapear, you are nothing. Absolute empty, but still existing. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall Yes I do understand the ego in that way. Im actually not asking these questions because I do not know or that I need the answers personally. I am just asking to observe how you personally would respond to answering them. Im just interested in what it looks like when others try to explain things of this nature. Then I kinda take notes on the unique ways others word the same information I already know, sometimes Im asked similar questions, as generally happens for me at work or while socializing, so its helpful to expand delivery. I read many of your posts and like how you answer questions.  

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19 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Yes, it's . calling it nothing makes no sense. it is existence. you can feel it, but not define it. it is empty but it is, and you can become the absolute that it is, indescribable. So you are that. More, you can realize how in that moment you are creating yourself. The body, the reality. Because you are everything. If not, who would be? But same time, if your body, the reality, dissapear, you are nothing. Absolute empty, but still existing. 

There are conditioned functioning bodies.....but there empty, there isn't anyone or anything inside of them or behind the's emptiness appearing to be fullness.

Humans are just like deer in the woods only there brains have evolved in such a way that they have become an entity unto itself....the illusory birth of "I am".

There isn't a real you in which could be everything. The experience of "I am here", "I am real", "I am existing" is an illusion of self or an identification misunderstanding of the mind!

There never was a real you or me that needed to figure anything out.....what a trip right?




“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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4 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

There are conditioned functioning bodies.....but there empty, there isn't anyone or anything inside of them or behind the's emptiness appearing to be fullness.

4 hours ago, VeganAwake said:


Yes, that emptiness is fullness. It's empty but it is and it's impossible to grasp with the mind.

8 hours ago, Kamo said:

@Breakingthewall Yes I do understand the ego in that way. Im actually not asking these questions because I do not know or that I need the answers personally. I am just asking to observe how you personally would respond to answering them. Im just interested in what it looks like when others try to explain things of this nature. Then I kinda take notes on the unique ways others word the same information I already know, sometimes Im asked similar questions, as generally happens for me at work or while socializing, so its helpful to expand delivery. I read many of your posts and like how you answer questions.  

Thanks for asking, explaining about the ego i explain it to myself 

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