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Nfs necessitate unlovingness. But some olyphants/adams/depps dont need to be


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21+ nNO CAPBARS,S100(9AS)-NOT SETTLING AS LONG AS ☆G IS NOT JADAIMG-20220711-WA0001.jpgIMG-20220711-WA0002.jpg80056747.jpgIMG-20220711-WA0013.jpgIMG-20220711-WA0020.jpgIMG-20220711-WA0022.jpgIMG-20220711-WA0021.jpgIMG-20220711-WA0014.jpgIMG-20220711-WA0004.jpg219928abf5aaf1901017f7a420f1443c.jpgIMG-20220711-WA0006.jpgScreenshot_20220711-185440_YouTube.jpgjenny-curran-died-due-to-complications-arising-from-contracting-hivaids-1631158226.jpg219928abf5aaf1901017f7a420f1443c.jpgIMG-20220711-WA0019.jpg

not settling.(20+ no capbars,s100) .

Forget av,ab etc until bday. Either path wont see them.

Final descision L.T PATH





The top 1% of MS in the REAL WORLD ( NOT MAL.D) arent settling for jen.



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Screenshot_20220707-105125_YouTube.jpgScreenshot_20220707-104304_YouTube.jpgScreenshot_20220707-104341_YouTube.jpgjessymarquesa_261071319_437262991079458_8127223772113457524_n-1.jpgIMG-20220712-WA0000.jpgimages (11).jpegIMG-20220711-WA0004.jpgScreenshot_20220712-183737_YouTube.jpgIMG-20220712-WA0000.jpgsm-idol-the-auditions-3-e1563622845894.jpgScreenshot_20220615-194916_Chrome.jpgdepositphotos_383339075-stock-photo-alena-croft-attends-2019-avn.jpgScreenshot_20220628-092738_Chrome.jpgavatars-000315090017-0agrj0-t500x500.jpgScreenshot_20220626-100528_Chrome.jpgScreenshot_20220712-185101_YouTube.jpgScreenshot_20220628-093144_Chrome.jpgScreenshot_20220712-185248_YouTube.jpgScreenshot_20220615-194816_Chrome.jpgScreenshot_20220712-185431_YouTube.jpgIMG-20220712-WA0005.jpgScreenshot_20220712-185539_YouTube.jpg


21+ , no s100(9a+4a), capbars(all island min) -not settling at all


In fact n.mars is too good for sahith






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different tests.cant copy

Fuglishas best option- lt track

No takers? Best option s10mins . Loving to self and felines

-even if fuglisha gets robby . Robby wont dote. S10mins best/most loving option selfishly

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The afterlife worth having requires being on track from year 1. 

Capbars,s100/100 , etiquette etc

-famdomstabilitiless , loveless grounded ☆g = no playfullness in the after life.    (Up-elly, jennygump)

Eg- jimpam, holly michael ,umstaab,umamappa ( no ☆g pride, exitement etc) .  Afterlife=boredom for eternity. Not k.demel/kiara playfullness.

Nothing can be done. Grow up , be a man, accept and continue on the path of truth/love for famdom stability.

1) can be one hundred percent mentaly fine through the direct track

2) although not exactly what one wants to see, nice sights are still very possible.   Eg-nellytoby, oscartobywine connection               fuglisha+group taco sights etc are possible on famdom love path

Final desicion- love/famdom .   No 22+, uk, -365/1825 unlovingness.

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Afterlife= eternity without connection.

Just be comfortbale and go on an adventure of truth now .   

Comfort through direct track.

I love you very very very much ❤ ♥ ? ? ? ? ❤ ♥ ? ? ? ? ❤ ♥ 

-if we ever find the magic red button at 40 i promise to press it. But no more time can be wasted .


Again-i love you very very very very very very very very much. Let love burst out of you❤❤❤?????????

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Realize that connections ( sjjw,ola, thisal,rumeth). Etc still occur.  The question is whether the sights are worth being unloving. 22+- 25 (kitten time) or whether it’s even likely (literally s 0/100 (fff) ,zero capbars, economic crisis,past lies- fam might just kick out)

final decision -loving path. No more indesiciveness. I think being genuinely loving is the best for after life as well.

emily-20 years



2 options

1)g treats like landlady/fuglisha-might as well get prost 40

2) like olyphant- guilt ,protection/kittenless is going to be too uncomfortable


but you will miss out on seeing things!

already missed out on what was wanted to see 22,no 1825 etc.

this is just a vague impersonation.

be comfortable,loving(self,other), truthful, and express self to *g on truthful/love fandom path- final desicison

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