
Uk moving/ pros cons G

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z-  hike couple ,driveinstructorfit, dexfishingpalannoyed, +umscream(s10minsriver,useless etc) , d( getoutofc, s.o.b)


Screenshot_20221011-103450_Chrome.jpgDr.k- student if i want your opinion ill fucking ask for it



Tat- arrogant sly little sh×t+ booed at 29


+ i think it disguting alvera


hqdefault (1).jpghqdefault.jpg


















Av- abuse,cry

its possible and reasonable to have a hailo and people dont follow etiquette

And even if you dont have now its still -1825. Possible might change



Mindset engaging - teach, waits etc

- have etiquette but dont expect anything connection or not.

Talk to teach especially like they are teach. Not potential connections

Say -gm, ge, offer help etc but dont joke etc 


If teach etc wants to connect they will. Dont assume smile etc is connection desire


And just because no etiquette dont assume failo-s10mins, anxious, failing, sickfeverhungry, 1000s of other studs, husband (no man can connect with all -tat)external factors

Eg- teach might think -yrs is weired even though attracted

Etc etc.  Maintain etiquette.

Unless teach etc explicitely complains about etiquette assume thats a habit.








Edited by Felinez

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Dj,als,mjoral, z.pcall etc- mis issues. Tomorow is a new person.

Has to deal with what mi left/ is responsible but no blame.



All desicions made. Anxious/ concerned banned

☆g/ connections only on famdom track ( greet, quip/bait , wait chess)


And comfort self karmapa- responsible for act not results






dont focus on mountain.track/ one step


No gurantees in any track. Waiting for impossible.

god isnt going to come down and tell heres the exact track.


Take a chance. Commit and if fail

- comfort through darana

- remind self its no ones fault .sometimes people get nuerofibs

- wait for 40+, fam10mins and past changedmt.

Final entry.

Starts on the 12th of october 2022 at 5am

And on the notebook on the 12th of november

Stay comfortable. Love you

No edits/entries-promise on felines

  Brute force 

Gates open

12th OCTOBER 2022 - 5 AM 

GATES OPEN-JUDGEMENT STARTS/ who i really am (not muslim i)



Anxiety And uncertainty / concern are literally the same thing


Edited by Felinez

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Whoever is judging , if there is anyone judging - if i wake up tomorow im going to assume either 1) you accept my track /think its okay  

2) you dont exist and everything is random, morality is relative. In which case im taking the best shot.

The balls in your court❤???

I starts on the

12TH OF OCTOBER - 5 am

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8gates i is completely different

1) different worldview / duality not islm

2) different etiquette

3) different habits

4) different perspective on ☆gs

- not mews .   Diafar humans

- ☆gs are to be protected and must be given jacuzzis etc with -20%

☆gs are not ums.

☆gs need to save that for

☆ disconnection/ lone - doesnt exist 

Proof -mal.d,21 sleep without connections, dharans etc


Eg- tat - if i loss , ☆g leaves.




5) different perspective on narckohumes,☆gs etc, avabaj etc

Almost unrecognisable.  If 

Dj, wants to torture phys. 8 gates will accept as 8 gates takes ownership

If avab accuse of breaking etiquette 8gates will accept faults but is mandatory to ask about avab etc breaking etiquette

- z also gets earning privileges after fam due to pr. Cs

Edited by Felinez

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All decisions made( love, selfishness etc all considered)

No more anx/ concern.

Follow track to the best. (Next best step -follow table)


Start - 12 th october 2022- 5 am

Final entry

No edits . I love you

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Rejection selfish hissy fit


1) wont effectively get people to want to connect 

2) 8gates typically seems to be orangish/ shallow(no offence) and wants to connect with  the healthiest livvies etc who have millions (literally) of connections already


Equaivalent to -  8gates having taty, alkasas, livvy, erin, kyli etv 

(Important)- 8 gates doesnt have now so be careful in deluding self

(Yeah i would giveup livvy , erin etc for nuerofibros)

And a nuero fibros asking and getting angry



And if you find that most people reject brutally

This means YOUR ASSUMPTION ( yout fault) opinion of people was wrong


If you assume tigers/ wolves or bears are like mew and winnie the poor and the mama bear rips your hand off its your fault.

And throwing a hissy fit isnt isnt going to change the way they act.

If your assumption is wrong -

Do famdom

And then dmt / dharana etc



Like tat its completely fine to not like felines for their nature.

But dont harm them for lies. Its not their choice/ fault the way they are 

And comfort can be got from gathering attention


Jp - if everyones / majority is rejecting you ....its you . Somethings wrong with you

Tat- if you are homeless and nobody gives af . Its you. Jerk

20221006_134803.jpg20221006_132143.jpg20221006_130204.jpg20221006_123355.jpgScreenshot_20221007-094007_Photoshop Express.jpg

Remember felixdegeneratedp had more gs.





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Tat- if everyone had a lambo/ biggunz you wouldnt want one

/ no one would care that you had

- no one cares if you got an A in english


- all ☆ms have a duty to provide as much pressure as they can pressure to make sure gs are getting the best.

Becoming the richest sft.eng might not completely remove the pride someone feels for  chess (94 a etc)

But atleast shake it alittle. Decrease the gap.


Make sure to decrease value of all others to the extent you can so others dont have time to rest and enjoy

And ☆gs get the best possible




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24 mill etc is worth nothing to famdom without capbars ( 3/4 min), s100 and 1825

Maybe itll be enough. But dont throw hissy fit if it isnt

Tate- deadly serious


24 mill at 21 and still beat the living shit out of.  

all the best

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Chess(49a) ,capbars, 1825 etc is a good signifier of selflessness (dr.k, tate, jp)

So if you dont have people instinctively think- selfish


But i didnt have free will and couldnt have done anything else.

True - but kdias, fowler, damsit, tickle sadist etc didnt have free will either and couldnt have done anything else.

But it still makes sense to avoid them.

Hopefully in 1825 days - image updated.

Starts on the 

13 of october 2022

No edits . Final post. Gates open


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I think 

Direct xp- umam,um,fari,hamzi,umu,nalini,civics



Lex , k.sam etc proves ☆gs are susceptible  to same red , blue , green etc


I think the current track is best. Good luck.


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8gates doesnt have dep.


8 gates has sad which is due to connectionless. And can only be solved with cons.effort

Not med


8 gates also has slight anx because of uncertainty. But this must be brute forced through


8 gates has a breath probably which excentuates the above deep.

8 gates has also lazy habit which will begone in 1825 ( habit broken or underlyin health)

Wait min-365 before seeing doc

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I dont want others too.

Eg- nath+ shanz bdah

Aj-h.henry( stole so he ll feel bad), 


Ab- ps/pod



Tough. Dont want cold,diafar,h.growth,57  etc  but constants for everyone.not just 8 gates


Fact -people are going to grow and get ☆gs etc.    (V.hack, j.right, cronin, lex, oliver,josh.rich, jadehoss,kaveenp,nethmin,ovin etc)

Av cant get kiarika or millshiks or olas etc

Everyone has to deal with

It might as well be someone who had etiquette with you

( wiped vomi,etc)

Stay comfortable.


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What if people were using boxer and only pretending to admire?

1) unfalsifiable. Others might be all dream characters without thoughts etc


2) so what? 

-If it is the case i miss out on ? More mal.d, fast food , sleep etc all things ive xpd


- and its not even something unpleasurable. In 1825 its going to be extremely pleasurable. ( winston)

We all win

Ie- ffox degenerate dp  loves chok tickle etc from ticksadst.

All in mind. If you enjoy it, who care?


Its not copium- 8gates has had everything except connection. 

So the next should be focused on track. Have faith.

Good luck.

Track starts now immediately.

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Dont post unless multipl 10+ ☆gs engage.  Has a negative effect.

Eg- s- doesnt have ☆gs

Nethmin, thisur,prathi,sthnim although not much different might have ☆gs . IMG-20221014-WA0000.jpg

cant have hissyfit at ov and avab . 

Small world. Only one can have or its meaningless.

Ie- avabs ☆g will want to connect with ov and ovs with kaveens and kaveens with hariths and hariths with nethmins and nethmins with harshas etc etc and why not maliths, udar etc? Soo many.

Final conclusion-everyone has to deal with.

Have etiquette. And hope you implant a seed in all ☆gs you come across.

Also hope

- honour, honest , brute force, developing empathy/ affection love is rewarded. Good luck.love you

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Only one can. Or anyone can.

Lets say we decide to 10mins ov.

How can we know that kad hasnt holographed to waste time?

Its impossible .ludicrous.


Either they have to maintain etiquette or ☆g will easily reconnect. 

Ie- ms must be providing so much pleasure so as to fight of others

Especially if ☆g is healthy


Follow track/ etiquette.

Stay comfortable

Edited by Felinez

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On 11/10/2022 at 5:04 PM, Felinez said:

8gates i is completely different

1) different worldview / duality not islm

2) different etiquette

3) different habits

4) different perspective on ☆gs

- not mews .   Diafar humans

- ☆gs are to be protected and must be given jacuzzis etc with -20%

☆gs are not ums.

☆gs need to save that for

☆ disconnection/ lone - doesnt exist 

Proof -mal.d,21 sleep without connections, dharans etc


Eg- tat - if i loss , ☆g leaves.




5) different perspective on narckohumes,☆gs etc, avabaj etc

Almost unrecognisable.  If 

Dj, wants to torture phys. 8 gates will accept as 8 gates takes ownership

If avab accuse of breaking etiquette 8gates will accept faults but is mandatory to ask about avab etc breaking etiquette

- z also gets earning privileges after fam due to pr. Cs

8gs world.



1) No free will( no praise/ blame)





Even if there is some in word choice etc

Childhood,Upbringing, exposure to ideas all make it  difficult to praise/ blame.

Eg- Others dias, fowls etc

Also 8gates- dj, m.oral, etc


2) no objective morality

- joe shmidt, jp, benshapiro all torture







everyone is selfish.

Closest to love -semi selfish


3) past cant be altered.

Only try 40+amphetdmt etc


4) results can never be guranteed no matter track .



Specific sight isnt.

But comfort is always available.dharana


Dr.k,jp etc 

Follow schedule.8 times to fail. Stay comfortable


Unless god says otherwise ( and even then ask how)

Euthrypho dilemma.

- will s10mins genuinely max pleasure in the lt?

- am i actually responsible for dj or is dennis etc?

How can i be blamed with famdom fights , sjaj etc, asking z if like aj more even at 10. ( nature)

Gates started





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Before contacting avab - promise to connect and ask sav, mills, kian, umer , chamath,nethmin, harith, harsha, asiri,sehan, shyam, kooje, uvindu etc about ☆g/ connections.


Before asking avab for a pic etc ask kian,nethmin, umer, harith etc for a new pic first


1) what if one g allows avab to see g sight and since no more sights. Pursues chess etc?


Same for ishikmills, kianrika, osaltali, thidas, sehan, asiri,ovin, kaveenp,nethmin,chamath amani, khaleel,bineth, thisal, kooje, uvindu,shyam, vihanga, rumeth etc etc

Too many to do anything. Desicion focus on track.





If track fails ( no connections/ only thing i dont have now)


1) 23- 24 ( atleast a year to connect)

2) too late to change at 24 to be with 18s etc and wait till 25 to connect.

Wont even see desired sight( 24/23-18 too long)  -no f.dom tickle etc


Best option - brute force till 30 , follow etiquette, volunteer etc ( sing.ms etc)


Remember weve proven we can be comfortable without

Stay comfortable❤❤??



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What you have isnt L for ☆gs 8 gates.

You have a selfish desire to fulfill own phys/ attent wants

Proof-no interest/ lol dont even consider unhealthy letch, chandra, ranji ,umams, um, fari, hamzi etc to be gs.

No connects/ ☆gs doesnt make you deep.

All the good men have gs easily-bruce, dante, clark, jon s, robert b, rhaegar, simba,thor,mr incredible etc

All school shooters, orcs, ramsay(ugly)-cant get gs.


- they will play around alittle ( which even gs will enjoy/ and which the failos would do if they could) but they will be productive/ loving members of society in future

 They dont want ☆gs for their own selfish phys, attent.

They want to produce next spiral, allow ☆g to live with 20% jacuzzi, laugh , listen to ☆g instead of bothering with their own selfishs.


8gates is mistaken what ☆g is for. ☆g is to protect/phys. And to produce next hailo spiral for society and to listen to gs problems ( due to biologically fluctuating emotions). Not to listen to 8gates selfish.

-im not interested in seeing ☆ g then. No problem.

Initiating still mandatory for famdom though





If famdom explicitely tells you to s10mins its probably the best desicion even selfishly.

If they tell you to s10mins you have so little value( no offence.not trying to hurt you. Noones to blame including self.gatger attention for comfort) that even getting a g etc will be prolonging torture while hurting felins etc.

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Btw if connection occurs and breaks


1) remeber 21+ without connection comfortably. 

Mal.d sleep = heaven

Discomfort temp

All in head.


2) if you truly l ☆g . Let ☆g go. ( best chance of staying in gs heart and meeting in next rather than forcing stay for selfishness

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Talk alot about all negatives or not? Either way 50/50.

Why ?   Things like feline hurt , cancer etc happen . Pointless talking right? Even jp wife - cancer 

- can tell ☆g disconnect etc. Point?

Wont stop me from connecting to taty, maria, anish etc etc?

wont stop ☆G FROM up 10mins


my view- with all these we have this little oppurtunity to laugh, connect etc. Might as well take the chance and brute force through the rest.

Final desicion -not.


If ☆g/others say-emotionally closed. 


Mandatory see therapist etc

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