
Uk moving/ pros cons G

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But avabaj might have connections in the after.   So?

Salim might have 50 connection, j.rich etc might also have

Other ms are also going to have connection


What are the options?

1) kill as many as possible? Hurting their siss, destroying famdom , felines( as 8 gates will target the healthiest ms) before getting caught? The chance of killing all ms is zero

It also destrous the chance of 8gates forming connections

Final desicion- insfeaf of armchaor planning on killing salim 50 etc to prevent connections, 

Focus on chess etc to have connectiona for yourself

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Its absolutely possible to be comfortable without frat g

1) done it for -21

2)lasts only from 23-25...

Then what? S10mins. Obviously not.

You postpone till 40 for famdom and hope  more connection occurs


 frat ☆g might connect with another to kitten.


And you only get one shot. Your shot in us/bus is as good as anywhere else med. You also have to wait a year for connections to happen.

If you get unlucky.brute force through

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at 23+ if there are no connections

The only real possibility is to brute force through and hope connections occur.

24 with 18s is strange.




And dont throw a selfish hissy fit at famdom.

What can they actually DO now? nothing really.

So gather attention to write and stay comfortable.

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All the best on track. Stay comfortable, 

If connection doesnt occur 23-24 stay on track.


I want to be the hailo in uni.

The chance of being the hailo in md is very similar to busi/ us. Not worth famdom stability.

All the best . Stay comfortable

Edited by Felinez

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Desicion made- famdom dr track


Us/bus -at 23 lets say we approach a 23 healthy g and connect

By 25 what to do?  ☆g will want kittens ( anti feline)

No kittens = disconnect

Kittens -no chess, capbars = no reverence ( not ideal sight)


If dont have enough hailo for ☆gs to be chasing in dr/bel - kittens probably wont be able to move up spiral

+ ☆g healthy will have offers from narcos, drewcox, jerm , beard etc and will probably connect.

Livvydun-2.1 mill+ tat


Final desicion- dr/bel track,  greet+ have quips then wait for them to invest


Dont ask ☆g - kitten promise etc

At 23- mainly ☆w /kitten sights anyway. Not worth unloving

Im betting that the p we connect with arent the ones we stay phys. With but the ones in our heart. Therefore follow etiquette .  ( jackrose)

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8gates has never been BRUTALLY disconnected - thats a lie


Name one time?

Luq- luq showed little interest yet 8gates kept pestering. Didnt brutally reject.    8gates should have stopped selfishly investing

Mills/ kia- same. Didnt talk much etc unless 8gates did.


Cole hastings - brutal no.

Okay no problem

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8gates- fear of awol due to disconnection


Awol makes no sense- can be equally comfortable( mal.d etc)

+ awol will not get desired sight doting


Try connecting / etiquette etc and if connections dont have etiquette then just calmly realize 8gates was wrong about peeps

Eg-mew ( lion, wolf etc) in real life will get scared and attack/ kill

Similarly 8gates had wrong impression of connection.

But also that was 8gates only desired sight.

So postpone for famdom calmly. And then s10mins

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Sleep etc 


- job reviews?

Opposite to -express zero stress

Peace joy

24/7 warm friendly


Joyful work

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Only 2 Options 



1) Change past should always be an option. 

Whether i change the past now, 50+ ( after p(ud) 10mins shouldnt make a difference.


Main site wanting to see - -19 uni ,capbars etc


What if i dont want to change past at 50+ and i no longer want to see - 18 uni?

Perfect . You are comfortable:) . That was the only motivation for wanting to see uni sights etc anyway ( without ill feel regret / selfish s10mins impulse) and i havent :) . Congratulations


Xp with dmt, amphetas etc after ps 10mins.

Dont pursue something which we have no idea will work , while destroying famdom stability.


Instead work with what we ve got.

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Just because i dont talk about ideology

Its mandatory etiquette to listen (drk)

-just because i can be comfortable without doesnt mean others can

A little strange gloria trillo .

Disconnection while causing feline harm etc?

Remember gloria trillo can ? kittens

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Um - distance self from ( joyful work)

Greet,Discuss news etc during meals so doesnt feel you are awk / incompetent  etc


Also if um is disconnected etc like umams and um wants to vent -listen

But never disclose own ideology to um ( unless s10mins- even then use as many dharanas as possible)-

Always im comfortable

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Um scream at t, umam ( you ruined life), ua, 

D- na manussayo , z 

Z- um ( smug bitch) , d ( pons trin), dex fishing ( fat etc) , aj shout crick

Also add 8gates stole etc ( devastating to connection)

Broken etiquette is not just with you

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Stay 9mntsh before bus/d

1) 12% ( first imp)

2) news quip

3) dharanas etc


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Issue - you are concerned anxious about too many things you cant control

Weve planned for awhile now. Just go down famdom track now

A (1%)chance/ something is better than nothing ( s10mins)


If the sights are really ugly good ground for dharanas = dm best chance of past change ( after p10mins)

If still uncomfortable- s10mins ( no solus)


- yes 8 gates might decide to er

Hurt ☆gs / felin etc even though they have no choice over their actions, and just like 8gates ( dj s10mins, m.orals, antifeline, sasindus10mins, z.prcall,rob , avabaj-failo/lies etc) whp just like 8gates want a healthy connection

But since s10mins - destabalizes famdom, society abit aswell final desicion to take chance.



Concern dharana state will lead to breaking etiquette, harm etc

1) mal.d and video.gs and dharana literally have the same state. Argument can be made mal.d is worse. Prevents learning etc

2) just give dharana 2 gates to break etiquette. Then we ll think of another solution. Typically dharanas are the most loving ( sad,osh, teal( all feline).

This doesnt mean 8gates will be so.but let dharana break etiquette twice

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Even tat ( 64 , capbars, chess , highest sat) etc was hit 

So if hit , understandable . Especiallly after lies etc.

No need to be uncomfortable ( dharana)

But realize if you were tats son you would have been hit.

Start. Do the next best

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Final desicion

Disconnectedness in ms is just selfishness , cowardice ( disconnect while causing feline harm lol)


Truth is if you are a m who should have connections ( s100, capbars etc youll have ) and you wont be disconnected


☆gs are different- 1) hormonal imbalances etc

They like children need support ( listen/ reflect) - ask if they want to talk it out or want advice

Their disconnection is not selfishness as they have inherent value for improving felines lives etc


Final desicion

Follow etiquette. During uni  time have etiquette until the end because we never know when we ll connect. 

Ie- tob, nells


Or if at job work one year, if no connection options look for volunteers, classes, groups etc.

And if that fails take one years wage ( take out of 12 fund if not enough) and 

Vent to a minimum of 10 theras.


You know for a fact that no matter how much you talk about disconnection , itll never stop.

People 10mins, there are narcos with hailos ( ie- avmillskia , av literally said connection triangle, his words not mine) etc.  Its a constant.

What you want is to be heard. Theras should do it. 

After that check out enlightens.

After that if you still feel disconnected ( unlikely) we ll see.




Dont right off news quips talks etc without even trying. 

In school ( best) never had a convo about ideology . Just clowning.

What is really wanted is just human prescence. Stay comfortable. Love you❤?

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And about ps finding lies etc listen

Either it happens or it doesnt ( cancer, anuerysm, tumor etc)


If it happens deal with the shouting, tat beatdown etc once.

You then have your whole l to prove otherwise.

Retire etc.

But dont be a tarly, r.thomas.

Even though there are things you are proud of   ( eg - drake , kanye ( best rapper) doesnt mean others should be)

There are objective standards

3/ 4 capbars , chess etc  ,1825 etc

Stay comfortable.

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Message to tat etc

In the unlikely chance that youll devote your entire time to spying on me, 

And somehow only one of you is the only one in existence - 

Ie-tat programming all ☆gs to be with.

(Which has other probs btw- 1) why jelly of avabaj if they have no xp then?

2) if you can program ☆g to only connect with , control all moves is it the same?

Just remember to show

1)narcos ( potential ☆g connecter for hailo)   - eg ( av triangle-his words)

2) diafars ( slp etc)



Regarding avabaj josh.r dr.cron, jerm,beardwell, narcos etc

SELF FOCUS -dharana 


Regarding connections

- 1 year

-12, news quips, medi focus. 

Its not a waste. You are dev skills that are mandatory for connect (quips etc)

Commit immediately . As soon as the post is posted . No edits


Will it work? ( dharana)

Is chess 6 months before lal enough?

Al( 6+months is it enough?)

Dont be selfish, lazy , coward. STAY COMFORTABLE! Go!!!!

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