
Uk moving/ pros cons G

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Its done. In another 2 ( @ 25) youll have to gather attention in the same way anyway. Whats 2 more. 

No going back. Gather attention.


The end goal is to have connections that will be in after l right?

Wouldnt the chances with after l decrease due to fraternization selfishness?

- felines, hurt famdom, mainly healthy ☆g focus etc

Edited by Felinez

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Its not realistic






G-and you are fraternizing?...

Final decision made

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8gates confuses 

Connections for comfort.

Even with zero connection 8gates can be equally comfortable as proven by -21 naps.

Remember connection is about sights.feels inside.

The thing is at 23 the connections 8gates want 

Kylie jenner,haileybeebs,Hailee steinfeld,kennedy walsh,olivia dunne , charlie amelio, faith ordway etc have house etc.

Strange to be 23 with ideology, partying- clear selfishness.

D.laid, mckenna (married), mantells, lexlitt, ol.fors etc- all with own olave/ travelling etc while 8gates is 23 clubbing with 18s?

Eg - if hamz ( 24), d.laid, jessjames(22) went clubbing with 18s it would be strange. Its a thing ( c.skeptic -24)

Even they will feel sacred outrage as theyll notice 8gates using fam and will intuite selfishness ( if L exists) and also because 8gates initiates with only healthies.

If 8gates doesnt want to initiate with healthies and just wants gs then any field will do.

It will have gs but might not have healthy gs. Only reason to go abroad is for healthier gs possibility( selfishness)


So im sorry to say regardless of the track connections will be similar. Dont destroy famdom stability for

fraternizing once or twice with other narcos .

Stay comfortable. Follow etiquette,

Greet, add some news quips etc, if they seem invested continue

If no investment , quickly - see you


Ive got no sights to gain/ to lose.my goal now is Hopefully like kishor to plant a seed of connection in someone which theyll take no matter the distance ( w + husb connection etc)

This is unavoidable no matter the track.

Even if busi in us , the ☆gs/ olivia will want kittens and have hubs

Have etiquette with everyone. Even though ☆ms are rarer ( hamz , j. Rich, joe wellers , marco piers etc were betrayed) they are still there.

Wouldnt the after be more fun with amoon rather than only with ☆g?

What about with f.fox then who also tickles?

Go whatever path f.dom wants. Dont further damage famdom stability.

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Even if 8gates is wrong. No problem as exact comfort is available on everypath ( even the connectionless track)

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Regardless of track the chances to connect will be very similar

Ie- it desk

23-26 there will still be very similar connection options as us busi

Only difference is not partying in a room with multiple narcos/ gs-but wouldnt you rather sit and talk anyway? Is to do it once or twice at 23 worth 60mill?


26 + even if you are at us busi people will go off to kittens etc. Cannot connect 24/7 no matter the track


And even in us busi you only get one shot.

The uni you go to might not have gs in the class. Or you mighy have to wait a year to connect properly

In all unis you probably need atleast a year to connect properly. 

So what if you dont connect after a year? Are you going to change unis to 24 to connect with 18s? 

No you have to press on in the same track.i think 8gates desicion is good.

Dont hurt famdom stability.let them choose the track. Gather attention to etiquette

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Direct xp- like people who are disconnected/ sad?


Like people who are in worse situations but have etiquette - energetic, attentive etc, speak about disconnect in a matter of fact way not complaining

Eg- amorn - no connections / chess etc but enthusiastic


Umams, z ( someone to hold, while drunk, eating maccas on the bed) is repulsive/selfish.

Sam harris,joquinpheonix, jp sometimes

Dont be a complainer/ ideological ( ie- lex)

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8 gates has not given a valid reason why connections in busi us  is worth

Famdom instability

60+ mill


even in the busi us uni you only get one shot. If you dont connect with peeps at the uni, you have to brute force. Cant change uni at 24 to be with 18s.



Brute force until 1825 days till taking 



1) have never been in top 10 in chess in midsch ,   

have never capbars ( against anothet team)

So obviously never got used to adult comfort. - lazy


Dont jump into anti depr till 1825.

Brute force attention gather for 1825. After that it will be natural.

If not self pres anti deps ( after 1825)


Inspiration - until 50s (sopranos grillo , michael club lady, tobe nelly,kodas)  connections are possible at anytime. Can never say when.  Just by postponing there is possibility. So focus on etiquette.


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If avabaj etc want to maximize chance of ☆g having affection + 

Wanting to be REUNITED AFTER.

Etiquette is mandatory ( not mal.ding, making sure eyes dont wonder, wishing every year , controlling diafars)

-if avabaj has to control mal.d and be attentive for even 1 hour day and only have adult comfort, it isnt worth sacrificing famdom stability for that temporary titilation.

Unless titilation is infinite, have adult comfort. 

And if one mal.ds that means they arent aiming at  ☆gs in the after


Final desicion-no violence against narckohumes , drew cox, j.beard, jerms , avabaj .

When famdom/others compare etc

No hurting ☆gs ums, sj , pada, and hurting felines ( as if gs like them they should have kitties)


Even if im wrong ( i dont know how) it doesnt matter as ill be equally comfortable

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Remember if s10mins happens ,just because no phys distance connection doesnt mean noone wants to meet after.

Maybe you said something one time and that one wants to.

Maybe felines will appreciate not postponing and they will ask universe


all the best.  Love you

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While the dreamt up sights -20 1825 capbars with ☆gs without narco isnt possible 

The most 12 in the place is still a possibility.but this doesnt depend on the busi us. It maybe , maynot-more effort the better.



Remember frat- lasts for two years max

23-25  after that you still need complete adult comfort.

Give those 2 for increased famdom stability. All the best. 

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Why do you want connection in the after?

-no matter which way - its selfish comfort

We know for a fact one can be comfortable without 

So open loot boxes but if it doesnt happen at 40+ remember there is still hope


Stop harming feline purposelessly and start now. Comfort is the same. Youll always be uncertain even though there is nothing to be uncertain about as comfort is the same

Cant change the past without dmt and even if you could snap your fingers and immediately change everything you wouldnt appreciate after sometime.

One last forgive for

1) secret 7s ( dj etc)

2) not 1825/ 12 consistently

3) chess

4) etiquette

Starts now. Lets go

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Wanting ideological convos for comfort is a red hering

1) -21 mal.d / pillowkiaranap = bliss with never having ideology

2) loved school convo- clowing /lies.

Cant remember one ideological convo in school, yet loved every second.


8gates has ideology. No need .

1) comfort- gather attention

2) ☆gs- kittens to stop wild feline by climbing spiral

They might have multiple tickles (lana,lena , claudiawalsh, dev etc) - but the end result is kittens.


Have news quips etc- theyll satisfy connection.

Ideology is a red herring. If others bring up and ask your opinion 5 times minimum engage. Other wise news etc.

Perfectly fine❤❤❤❤?

Y c r n

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Um- literally said to jump into river.( chess 1st , capbars etc)

But didnt explicitely.

Remember famdom says sometimes

But unless famdom explicitely asks 4 times dont s10mins

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Desicion made.

No us/bus (23)


By the time med-23

Requires atleast one year to know if connected or not.


At 24 going 18s will look at you strange if you are 1st especially doing bus.

Most people in your jb position will be 22ish , you will be 28 ... 


- famdom stability will be extremely damaged


Only option now-gather attention to chess instead of p

Dont s10mins- unloving, famdom instabillity= social problems= feline harm


S10mins- zero chance of connectiom


Postponing-somechance( especially till 40)

All the best 

Desicion made

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The chances a healthy 18☆g who has the option to travel party etc wants to spend time discussing ideology with a 23 is low and an unideal sight

57 in a 59 avg. Not worth famdom instability.

Stay comfortable. Desicion made

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Eg-  tab um -  marri connection

Yet many problems- beatings, abandon 1 st year etc . These havent been forgotten.

Without blueness

If the option to choose another was there, why not?

These are remembered. Might not want to stay with after

Just because some one has connection ( avab etc) doesnt mean there goal is after. Affection

Maybe only goal is tickle.

80 million people (with 100% like) -elsa

Follow your own track


Problem with not having etiquette

Um- tab basically selfish.  Tea in the morning, needs flask,  NEVER TRIES TO BETTER HIMSELF.( not being workaholic)

- remember perfect etiquette-




Edited by Felinez

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To ask ☆g not to kittens is a crime. To ☆g and feline.

No us.

Final desicion- famdom and whatever track.

Final desicion made. Make connection on track


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Treat avaj like chamath, savin, umer,udara bro ,kooje etc

No huge investment- dont enter cabin if they arent enthusiastic- postponing, feline harm etc

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Very important


Salim(50gs),Josh.r,jerm, d.coxin etc (all -21)  are tickling salim(50+) gs etc

Nethmin, harith, asiris

This doesnt cause 8 gates discomfort


Yet For some reason avabaj tickling as much as salim, josh.r, d.coxin causes discomfort-

Illogical, irrational habit. 

Mantra - whether avabaj tickles as many ☆gs as 50 salim has no impact on my gathering attention. Stay comfortable

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But avabaj might have connections in the after.   So?

Salim might have 50 connection, j.rich etc might also have

Other ms are also going to have connection


What are the options?

1) kill as many as possible? Hurting their siss, destroying famdom , felines( as 8 gates will target the healthiest ms) before getting caught? The chance of killing all ms is zero

It also destrous the chance of 8gates forming connections

Final desicion- insfeaf of armchaor planning on killing salim 50 etc to prevent connections, 

Focus on chess etc to have connectiona for yourself

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