
Uk moving/ pros cons G

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Choose to let p(u/d) make the desicion

And dont look back



22+, 23-  als(minimum 1 year) finish at 

=24 + ( with 18s) finish at 31(normal)


Gather attention and commit

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Uncertainty whether itll work

× regardless of path uncertainty prevails. Brute force through




Zero chance of connection sights occuring

atleast on the track 

1) after 1825 chess= mal.d comfort

2) chance of connection sights occuring

3) loving towards famdom

Very selfish to go to the other sleepy path

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Trying to force way into 1% ☆gs life doesnt work

1) 1% has 100000+ followers. Whats going to make you special?

Best chance- have etiquette, 

Maybe itll be the ones in the heart, not the one who got to tickle that stays 

Ie- kishor, umesh etc 

2) how exactly will you find? 

Walk the streets of us etc.  Can i connect with you? 

☆g doesnt have time...  kittens planning etc

End of the day(@40 s10mins) ☆g and 8gates must separate and 8gates must 10mins alone

Hopefully itll be the one in the heart who gets to meet agains.

Good luck and have hope

- even though at the time of our s10mins we may be alone, maybe in the same way kishor,manuks etc will be in our hearts

Maybe someone whom we met along the path (ajmjs ☆g) etc

Maybe a secret garethby

kept us in theirs and we will be able to hangout with them 


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There is as much reason ( or only slightly less) to believe ltt track isnt as good for after life.

Eg- 8 gates mandatory to initiate with all ☆gs

8 gates worried that ☆gs wont be 1% in heaven

But if 1% / health signals are the same in afterlife , why would ☆gs want to tickle 8 gates intead of   narcos etc?

Isnt it better to go with all ☆gs (@ volunteering etc) so atleast


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So many randoms.


Imagine tatavabaj are walking being loud gannicus with ☆g and a completely random (19)drew cronin walks by...

+ if ☆g is in the 1%  drewcronin will definitely try to connect  

Best etiquette selfishly-gentle


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Uk/us minimum- 100million( impossible)

+22 with 18s (av ☆g)- not even ideal sight, no 1825 ( finding sters in eng.risky + adds to 100million ( test only is pointless , gh, tren etc needed

Nothing to see.

get ment.comfort, gather attention on track/ etiquette , love.

☆g whenever on track.

Just keep ☆g (jennies smile etc) in heart

Malay- 50 million

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Job life

Dr- 22-28 ( same peeps, 6+ years, 18,22 diff    bels-no clubs etc)

28, 29 ( hunt) 

- 28/ 29 what to chat about ? 

Other 28/29s -kittens ( ie- tabby, adnan2, (pu/d)    no time to bbt connect.

Nurs- all 1% - 25 

28- no f.dom tickle.   Only dom ( disgusted, never wanted from childhood - frieza choke, h.potter azkaban etc)

I.t similar sights.

Both sights equal.  

Comfort ultimately from attentiom gathering

40+ amphetas, awakening.

All the best. Luck isnt needed because either way comfort will be the same

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Just coping.


All the paths lead to very similar sights with similars pros / cons

- med ( p.priority etc prob)

Both tracks are similar

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So if no more sights (22+ etc)

Why postpone, feline pain etc

1) purpose is comfort/ pursuit of ( once achieved nothing else is wanted)

Only possibility of 24/7 is awakening

Or - attention gathering, speed(tat) hunting

-postponement reasons

1) love- f.dom stability. Until f.dom recommeds s10mins


- saturatw self with so much waking state for waking states sights. That if s10mins comes. 

Fear is reduced. Enough waking state for waking state.

When s10mins- nevee going to wish more nap.


×× probably arent going to know ☆g more than kendall(anxiet) ,arbucci, cammeron model ted talk, ken.walsh etc  .



Ideology talks are not not advised ,(especially in depth) unless others explicitely ask atleast 5+ times MINIMUM.


Slightest slip about s10mins, etc especially being mohomad could be ruin entire career.


If you want to know ☆gs opinions read.

-but ☆gs BOOK opinions are fake. They are written by a ☆M

very unlikely. And if michelle obama, priyanka etc are willing to decieve,

Why wouldnt they lie IRL ? 

Possible, but not worth being 

Feline unloving


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Reasons for not connecting

- 1) presumptious

2) loud gannicus laugh , while being nonfeline( proven)

3) eventhough other doesnt invest, without respecting others times, keeps initiating

4) virtue signals ideology (love etc)


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Reasons for not connecting

- 1) presumptious

2) loud gannicus laugh , while being nonfeline( proven)

3) eventhough other doesnt invest, without respecting others times, keeps initiating

4) virtue signals ideology (love etc)

"You got alot of growing upto do buddy. Suck my balls"

Selfish hissy fit

While being anti feline....


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All romace= feline 10mins selfishness


i saw her face (shallow attraction, animalistic) and i donno what to do , cause ill never be with you WHILE BEING ANTI FELINE!


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The main reason for ☆g is to prove to self that 

1) not only does one have hailo

2) but one is the ONLY one who has a hailo

Never been done by anyone ever. 

Impossible. Not being selfless. Impossible

1) jaime,lancel,robb, robert,oberyn, jon, viserys, khal, jaquar naharis, aurane waters ,loras tyrell 

2) h.potter, cedrick, lockart, zabini, malfoy, sheamus , mclaggen

3) avabaj tate z - sahit, vihanga, nethmn, sehan, asiri, ruchika,canute,ovin, harith + thousands .

Impossible. Leggo

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Stop looking for narcos while going out.

Head down , purpose eyes. Never look.

There are MILLIONS OF MILLIONS narcos.( if not 10/10s , 9.9 out of 10s × millions)

Just because you dont see narcos once on street means literally nothing. Maintain etiquette be loving.



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For our postponement- be grateful and remember to repay orph.gs

- 12% basics

Screenshot_20220828-134404_YouTube.jpgScreenshot_20220828-134404_YouTube.jpgScreenshot_20220828-134322_YouTube.jpgScreenshot_20220828-134245_YouTube.jpgimages (6).jpegkitten-with-mom-2633283__480.jpgmaxresdefault (7).jpgScreenshot_20220828-134404_YouTube.jpgScreenshot_20220828-134404_YouTube.jpg

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What if after 9 mnths bels med doesnt allow due to 22+, alfs etc?

1) postpone ( s .eng,busi etc)

Starting now- ZERO / 1825(zero hailo) difficult to change first impression .....

Only 9 months + than now.... what difference to ☆g ( 22 or 22+ still no f.dom tickle, ideologies etc)

9 months for some 12% -  reasonable


2) f.dom recommends s10mins

Then s10mins

Brute force through fundamental fear( always there)

Do so for felines love, not ideal ☆m (pale, silky 6+ 94a, capbars)-danger to jennies (ers)

While sights are there to been seen , they are not worth being unloving to felines/ ☆gs

8gates is safe no matter the path. Continue cpu.


You are safe everywhere. All sights are similar.

Stay comfortable freind❤❤❤


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During 10mins hunting/ chess

1) concern- wasting L by not talking impulse

-impatient, illogical, impulsive (not allowing others to read h.henry, cocern aj might talk/ get ps3 etc)


@22+ , especially with 1% ☆gs - there is no need to discuss purpose. 

Its clear- top 20% kittens ,  one level higher on spiral dynamics scale

Until eventually yellow/ turquoise- end wild feline suffering


1% ☆g saying postponement is meaningless or in blue is not deep.

At the end the only thing people pursue is comfort.



you cant just bring topic up.

Ie-impulse to talk about " deep topics " with av,boys, amon, ab etc- bs


- when was the last time you spoke about something deep with avab etc? NEVER

And yet... the convo was comfortable was it not? Proof desire is just connection, whether discussing it programs, or news/ economics ( amon) -irrelavant.

For deeps -read philosophy etc







- there is nothing to talk about.

Any information wanted can be found by through ayn rand etc


Trust me- one things they crave " ideological convo" but this is false.

With um, amon etc- talking about bs is comfortable. 

- doing a good job @ it  ,business etc will also be comfortable



Noone has ever been seen as deep. Everything breaks down to comfort when looked at

Ie- lana blakey, ken.walsh etc are not deep.  Just introverted.   Nothing special.

Loneliness etc doesnt make you deep either. Depth doesnt exist.

Loneliness- biological adaptation, like preference for sweet(bombay sweets), oily mcdonalds double cheese .

When one doesnt get/ has to eat salad- discomfort for a while.

- if someone is lonely comfort them etc. But is doesnt / in 8gates 21+ xp hasnt made anyone deep.

Ie- umams isnt deep for feeling lonely.


Lex fridman, aubrey marcus, chris williamson , david goggins, jocko wilink, joe rogan, jordan peterson

who on paper should be deep arent thought of as deep.

When they try to act "deep"/ special minority who thinks about ideology"- cringe


Depth is a probably a stage blue idea.something to make individuals feel special.like praise/ blame.  Being raised above felines etc.

It doesnt need to exist to be comfortable.



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Eg - majority of constants etc arent meant to hurt 8gates in anyway. 


ie- 8 gates will never be special to ☆g

Wrong- noone will ever be special to ☆g / ☆m .

Not av ab aj etc due to abundance of narcohumes.

-just a constant like diafar. To be comfortable gather attention.



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Its strange when jordan peterson talks about love, virtue etc and talking in a "im deep and thoughtful voice" while being  a CARNIVORE 




Talking about loneliness etc is b.s .

If one is uncomfortable landlady/ aisha instead of mourning about it while 

Causing feline damage- s10mins. 

Selfish love+ selfless love.

Postponement should be a stream of amphetas, bliss , laughs 

Anything less( loneliness etc is an insult to felines.  Causing suffering for something you dont even like)




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Jon snow ( no mother, disconnected, catelyn with hissy fits)

Sasuke,Archie, samuel ( elite), ryan, aragorn etc solemness, monosyllable cryptic answers= cringe , not deep. 

And they all have way more trauma than 8 gates.

Actually the best way to seem deep is to be like tat. Never complain etc

Either be comfortable, have fun or stop destroying felines and s10mins.

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