Aaron p

Do Psychedelics Hinder Regular Egoic Success or Drive it Forward?

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@Aleister Crowleyy see I'm conflicted, on one hand they seem to hinder development in some ways. But on the other hand it seems to dramatically increase productivity and stuff. Like psychedelics create more connections in the brain. I'd think that it also highly depends on the person.

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On 28/06/2022 at 8:37 PM, Girzo said:

I think DMT is the one that works in the opposite direction - it encourages achieving success in life by helping you improve your understanding of social phenomena and inspiring you to do something creative. I always want to write a poem or a song verse after DMT. I think it's part of why they call DMT "The Businessman Trip", not only because of the 15 minutes maximum duration, but also this effect on improving your creativity and social skills. Social skills, because with improved understanding from DMT you are able to practice social interaction better until again you hit your upper point of your understanding of social phenomena.

LSD also has the potential, in 100-200 mcg range.

Funny, my first DMT trip, the sole, unrelenting message was "slow down with the success stuff" :P

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20 hours ago, Brandon Nankivell said:

Funny, my first DMT trip, the sole, unrelenting message was "slow down with the success stuff" :P

Its undeniable that psychedelics produce more connections more pathways, and an increased sense of yourself as a resource of resources that is [in a sense] clearer and cleaner as opposed to a confusing ball of emotional and reactive automation. By removing the ego and emotional reactive patterns, you seem to be able to use and manipulate your psychological faculties more efficiently and directly in a sort os stream lined fashion.

My only concern is that psychedelics may hinder my focus or derail my drive while I'm making my business and starting game. I suppose I could always just monitor my levels of focus, drive, motivation etc for business and game before and after each trip. 

I do feel like I need to give my brain a solid sober chance to establish some healthy patterns in learning, but considering I'm trying to learn new skills in new domains, increased neural plasticity and adaptability may prove useful...

My intuition says no psychedelics for some reason still at this point... o.O

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I have found them to be extremely motivating. Mostly because, I've seen reality from such a high state of understanding and love that I realize I HAVE to work to create an amazing life. Tripping gave me visions for my business, my values and my life purpose which is Qigong right now.

I have so much passion to provide value to the world, to start earning 10k+ a month and to build systems so I don't have to trade time for money. I have shit to do and things to create... and more trips to have in the future. 

I love tripping, but I love creating and sharing and growing as well. I sense me and 5meodmt have a lot more to learn about one another. Also, mushrooms... theres so many to try!

I've seen them make people lazy though. Or at least, overly idealistic with the pragmatics of life.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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19 hours ago, Aaron p said:

My intuition says no psychedelics for some reason still at this point... o.O

I'm in the exact same position — due to the fact that I'm in an altered state of consciousness (Alpha Brain Waves), I don't find psychedelics appealing.

I find meditation more appealing at this point, but maybe someday I'll be trying psychedelics. We'll see. ;)

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Interesting seeing responses, shows how much it can very for different people. 

Big Picture, Psychedelic's have been a huge boost to, Vision, Clarity, articulation of Life purpose, and even work on my life-purpose (Music.) New ideas, ways of singing, or placing sound can come from tripping, Lyrics, melodies, and so on..

I would say, it depends on what your desire is, and what you are focusing on in life.

  • For example, if the social domain is one that is the focus for this chapter, Micro dosing  LSD, DMT can be very helpful in reading and feeling connection with people, flow of conversation. Deeper trips alone or with a trusted friend, can free up blockages, mental and physical, lead one to face trauma, limiting beliefs, the shadow, leading to more fluid social interactions in the months and years post trip.
  • Another Example from my own life: Gaining clarity into Life-Purpose. I had my first real "OH MY FUCKING GOD, OF COURSE, THE SIGNS HAVE BEEN THEIR THE WHOLE TIME! MY LIFE PURPOSE IS MUSIC!!!" on 4-ACO-DMT, after taking the ULPC for the first time. Though there has been additional clarity over the years since then, that was a special time. 
    • Continuing with the example of Life purpose, Psychedelics have an uncanny ability to allow the unconscious/subconscious bubble to the surface, leading to much more intuitive, authentic answers to questions such as "What would be the most meaningful impact I could have on people?" 

Like Leo Mentioned, it would be a good idea to watch his video on the top dangers of psychedelics.



Much Love :) 





Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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