
Trans women are women! Why? Love and Truth that's why

187 posts in this topic

I know the post will ruffle some feathers on this forum, I've seen some closed minded comments regarding trans women in sports and trans kids in other posts but screw it, I or anyone else shouldn't be apologetic about their right to exist. We certainly shouldn't bend down to conservatives because of their twisted abrahamic worldview and how much they dominate every space of the internet and media in general.

Transgenderism scares authoritarians because if someone can decide for themselves who they are on a fundamental level such as gender or sex, they can't be intellectually controlled or exploited whether cis or transgender. In a sense they are completely free to think for themselves.

That's why christian conservatives in particular are terrified of us because they subconsciously fear their children thinking for themselves when they grow up and realizing how BS their parents worldview really is, and trans rights is the biggest threat to that ideology or any status quo really.

It's why you've seen this massive, almost industrialized push by conservatives politicians, the media and certain grifters to denounce trans rights in any way imaginable. If people can convince you can't decide your own gender identity, then they can convince you can't do other things.

Take trans women in sports or in women's bathrooms. Conservatives love this talking point because if they can normalize banning trans women from public spaces or events, what's stopping them from normalizing discussions from banning black people from using the same things as white people? It don't think it's hypobolic to say that, we've all seen how racist some rightwingers are. And I believe that's why they love the women's sport issue, they don't give a shit about about fairness but they can convince a bunch of people that it is about that, it'd be easier for them to start talking about how black women have an unfair advantage over white women. 

I mean just take a look at the Supreme Court ruling on abortion this week, some GOP politicians have suggested bringing back race segregation and banning same sex because this type of Fascism is being normalized.

I believe when someone say Trans women are women, it's not just a message of solidarity and support but also a way of saying you cannot manipulate and divide people at the funder mental level. 

Edited by BeHereNow

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What is a woman? :ph34r:

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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5 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

What is a woman? :ph34r:

LOL someone's gonna come in here and say something like... "Actually, you are God." 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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4 hours ago, BeHereNow said:

Conservatives love this talking point because if they can normalize banning trans women from public spaces or events, what's stopping them from normalizing discussions from banning black people from using the same things as white people? It don't think it's hypobolic to say that, we've all seen how racist some rightwingers are.

That's one heck of a slippery slope argument

4 hours ago, BeHereNow said:

I mean just take a look at the Supreme Court ruling on abortion this week, some GOP politicians have suggested bringing back race segregation

Please provide a link to any reputable source showing that an elected Republican politician has pushed for racial segregation in the past week.

What I HAVE seen is liberals calling Clarence Thomas the N-word on Twitter.

Edited by Yarco

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I have no issues with trans people, I'll leave them alone to live their lives. I consider them my equal.

The only problem is when we debate segregation laws and I believe there needs to be segregation based on biological sex in some situations, regardless of gender identity.

A trans woman should not be allowed into a prison for females. No male should be allowed in a female prison, and also some sports need to be segregated by biological sex. 

This is where things are problematic. I also don't agree in legal consequences for not using preferred pronouns. 

I have often tried to remember people's preferred pronouns but sometimes accidentally misgendered someone and it the reaction it got was kind of ridiculous, like people literally hating me for it. 


Edited by ZenAlex

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Trans women are trans women!  

Most men are looking for a women that was born with a female body and has female reproductive organs and identifies as a woman.  They are simply not attracted to trans women for survival of our species reasons. To them a trans women is not a women even if she identifies as one. 

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@Christoph Werner  I don't know how many trans people care that trans exclusionary people are not attracted to them. They also do not like them back for that. I don't want politics to be centered around super straight people's instincts. There is nothing wrong about not liking someone for some  genitalia preference, but I guess then the people gotta question their sexuality, not invalidate others' identities. They have to turn themselves queer.

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Gender is a social construct.

No one chooses their gender by "choosing it for themselves".

 It is socially defined. 

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I hid Arcangelo's post and have him 4 points for transphobia. Reminder, transphobia is not welcome here. Focus on the original post, not undermining it with your limiting assumptions.

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1 minute ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Gender is a social construct.

No one chooses their gender by "choosing it for themselves".

 It is socially defined. 

So that cisgender men can oppress them, right

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Everything is One. All Distinction is Illusion. We only mess around with distinctions because it is a fun game to play. Eventually a Man with XY Gene code will give birth, and A Woman with XX Chromosome will have a penis. Reality likes to fuck with your mind like that. 

Examples of Reality fucking with you:

So all that can be said is every distinction that we make outside of everything being ONE is that this distinction is GENERALLY true, or RELATIVELY true. Like a statistical fact that has a tendency to be true. So because there will always come an exception to the rule that distinction follows... we should decide how to use that. But understand that whatever rules you have, need to be relative to the sociopolitical climate at the time but they won't be hard rules. 

Every hard rule society makes, it eventually over time eradicates. Source:

The changes in technology is rapidly changing and mirroring in the changing views of conceptualization on things like sex. This is good, all that is happening is humanity is waking up to how reality actually works. You decide what you are, you create the map of your reality. No distinction can ever be proved, because all distinction is just something conceptually made. If I create an invention right now and give it a name, the name is not the invention. 

But the funny thing is....this type of logic scares people because they still see life through the lens of a human, and as long as you do you will always be controlled by those limitations and what comes with those limitations. 


Transwoman truthfully can claim whatever title they want. They can say they are from Mars, try to disprove will fail.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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12 posts in, still nobody has defined what a woman is ?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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22 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

There is nothing wrong about not liking someone for some  genitalia preference, but I guess then the people gotta question their sexuality, not invalidate others' identities. They have to turn themselves queer.


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I'm not sure why @Arcangelo is getting points but @Christoph Werner wouldn't when they essentially said the same thing..... I don't think either of them should get points as it's not explicitly bigoted although Arc can be provocative and stubborn sometimes.

Anyways I think the problem is people are getting mixed up about sex/gender and their relation, and also because progressives are pushing so aggressively for inclusion we are expected to not only just call transwomen "women", but actually believe they are fully women. Which of course is a rather new and radical thing, and can even be offensive to some as it runs counter to their traditional frame of reality, that most billions of people are operating under by the way encase you forgot.

For the sake of social cohesion it makes sense to refer to them as women (or men/non-binary etc.) if they ask, but no amount of gaslighting or shaming is going to force people to change what they believe to be the case. What someone believes is a woman can vary heavily from case to case. In my personal opinion, a woman is a human that can give birth (as well as other traits). If you can't grow a birth a baby you simply do not meet my personal definition. That's the most important criteria to me, others are more subjective.

They are "women" in so far as how much they pass for a women by the standards that people set out for it, but the whole phrase "transwomen are women" is already a flawed and nonsensical on it's face, although I think most understand the spirit of it trying to be a slogan that promotes inclusivity.

By saying "transwomen" you are already by definition using language to refer to something distinct and seperate from "women", the meaning of which would be someone who was a man before, and we are to understand they are transitioning/transexual. Different words have different meanings, they both can't mean the same thing and we can't just rape peoples mind with relative concepts constantly and expect everyone to understand. You can't have your cake and eat it too, so to speak.

They aren't the same thing, we are only pretending they are because society will run better if we do. Which is a good thing, and I support it fully. I hate that I even have to use this defense but I'm sure some people reading this might make some assumptions about me from this post - I have trans friends. I treat them with respect and call them whatever they ask and give them whatever emotional support they need. I've never misgendered on purpose and would never think too, because I'm not an asshole (or at least I like to think so).

However no amount of bullying or social ostracization is going to make me literally believe a transwoman is an actual woman, as I imagine it won't change most peoples minds. I'm sorry if that offends you but it's just the case.

We are going to need a new strategy to talk about this stuff, because as it stands the progressive modus operandi of cramming things down peoples throats and expecting them to swallow it is a pretty trash strategy, especially when it goes against their very basic sense making apparatus.



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@Roy  I am just holding back actually, I would like to give them all points, I think what they both said is horrible, I just... Feel like I don't know when I can and cannot justify my rights here you know? It is hard. I can give him points. Actually not even Christopher, what he says is kinda fine, because people should be able to define preferences, but ZenAlex, Yarco and Bobby_2021 feels transphobic to me.

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1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Gender is a social construct.

No one chooses their gender by "choosing it for themselves".

 It is socially defined. 

Biological gender is not a social construct though.

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45 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

12 posts in, still nobody has defined what a woman is ?

Based on the most common use of the term woman - 

A woman is an adult female human being.

This is what most people have always meant by woman.

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I don't know, I don't feel like it is my place to decide for another person or define them or whatever.  As it is, it takes a lot of self-discoveries to decide for yourself how you express certain things.  I generally don't know what I think or feel about gender constructs as it doesn't affect me a whole lot personally, I think that most people are in this boat, where they need more education before they can decide what defines a woman.  I wouldn't want to come out with an opinion that was not educated on the subject, and then define another person based on that uneducated opinion.

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58 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

12 posts in, still nobody has defined what a woman is ?

Someone who has a womb and can bear children?

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, Akashic said:

Trans women are women but not everybody is ready for the truth.

Yeah, that's right! The reason those AUTHORITARIAN ABRAHAMIC CONSERVATIVE FASCIST PIGS want to stop people driving 300mph down pedestrian highways is... THEY'RE JUST AFRAID. THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.

JOIN ME in your sports car for the RIGHTEOUS RESISTANCE against EVIL and FASCISM in which we will race through the streets and destroy innocent lives in the name of... LOVE and TRUTH!

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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