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Illusory Self

How does a man become better in the bedroom?

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Whenever I have sex with a girl, I always feel like I am about at a 7-8 when it comes to ejaculation. Even when she is stroking my dick. I usually try to make her orgasm first by using a magic wand vibrator so I don't feel that bad but ideally I want to make her orgasm through penetration. The sex never lasts long until I feel like I am about to ejaculate. I want to be able to last as long as possible and orgasm when I would like to. 

Is it just a matter of like controlling your mind? I know people say to think of stuff like your grandmother naked but it seems very hard in the heat of the moment. 

Sex is something I would ideally like to master eventually.

The fundamental problem is that I do not last long at all. 

What resources do you recommend in learning to become better in the bedroom? I think maybe porn did this to me. 

I recently had sex on 3 days on nofap and I think doing that makes it worse, I feel like I am about to ejaculate even quicker when in the act.

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Drinks lots of water before you have sex, if you feel like you have to pee it will be a lot harder to orgasm. This trick has made me last an hour of funkytime!


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On 26/06/2022 at 3:21 AM, Illusory Self said:

The sex never lasts long until I feel like I am about to ejaculate.

That feeling (of being about to ejaculate) comes from a buildup of sexual energy in a specific area of the body. It builds up around the cock, underbelly, balls - it can't go anywhere from there, and then ejaculation is inevitable.

If you see what I mean here - then you may be able to imagine letting that sexual energy dissipate through other areas of your body.

You can actually let it flow up your spine, to your back, through your neck, over your head, over the front of your body and all the way to your toes.

If you do that, you're suddenly now much less close to orgasm and you can keep going.

This is what I practice and it's quite simple.

It requires:

  1. Deep breath
  2. Relaxation of tension in your body (but like, really relax)

A state of not having ejaculated for 3 weeks makes it actually much easier to control, because then the habit is broken.

But it's not needed.

Try it!

Whenever you get close,

  1. Slow down your movements
  2. Breathe into the belly
  3. Relax tension in your whole body
  4. Let the built-up sexual energy dissipate and spread throughout the body

Very simple and easy.

I've noticed that this is harder for me to do if I'm trying to 'prove' anything to my ego by having sex with that person (though not impossible), and easier if the person is a great sexual match for me.

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@Illusory Self Do you work out? Like on a daily basis are you fit?

I have the same problem, finishing too early.

I also had a "Tantric" course about sex from a great guy and he teach me a great technique for just that thing, it doesn't take much time to do like 5~minutes daily and it works after a couple of weeks of doing it. But you gotta do it for it to take effect.

Contact me personally for more information.


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