
My observation of a night gamer

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I went out with a 40 year old. He had no experience with PUA so I didn’t expect much but he blowed me away with his natural game. Girls loved him and I was just like wtf. 

His night game was just dancing, doing crazy things (I would be ashamed to do them), looking for non verbal connection with girls during dancing, dancing crazy dances with them. I learned that physical appearance is not the end all be all. Major point is your vibe and expression of joy and “being yourself” without reservations.

And what surprised me the most is that he rarely smiles. He is just being authentic. Just enjoying himself most of the time. When he does engage a dance he does only after non verbal communication. And most girls disengage after having their fun with him. But he always give space to the women to disengage only to come back later. By doing this he managed to build some relations with some girls while I was standing there with my dick in my hand (so to say) lol.

At the end he got free drinks and got accepted by the group. I just couldn’t keep up with his vibe so I distanced myself of him and the group of girls so I could observe him with my dick in my hand (so to say). I’m way better looking than him but this letting go, having fun or whatever he is doing was just way above my head. He is in his cause, instead of being in the effect. I got frustrated and I went home and thought to myself why do I have to be a studious fuck instead of being a fun idiot? I still had a lot of fun and I learned a lot. And I think what he has can’t be learned over night. I’m just a little confused and frustrated. 

Edited by StarStruck

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What kind of dancing / place? 

You can still attract girls using your own personality traits and having fun your way. Some girls will be attracted to the quiet, confident guy enjoying yourself on the sidelines, not needing to pick up or be the life and soul. You don't need lots of girls all over you at all times, you need only one. One quality interaction with one significant girl at a time will be more fruitful than lots of random girls all around you (this might even destroy your game in my opinion).  

He was accepted in the group and got free that what you are looking for? Group acceptance and free drinks? 

I have met many men like the one you describe. They are actually not creating sexual tense and attraction with women, they are being used for entertainment and will possibly almost always end up in friend-zone.

If you think you are better looking you have a huge advantage. Work on your authenticity and create you own game instead of PUA or other people's game.

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