
Stage yellow books on mathematics

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I want to become a programmer and I’m getting into mathematics. A lot of them are stage orange and I was thinking: are there stage yellow material on this topic?

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I don't know about stage yellow math books, but i don't think you need any high level math to become a programmer. There are a bunch of programming libraries you can use and those will do the heavy lifting for you.

Even if the programming language you use don't have any good math libraries, in that case you could create a bot, that would use Wolfram Alpha Link. Wolfram Alpha is pretty fucking advanced and should be more than enough to use.

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@zurew I guess I’m looking for stage yellow metaphysics connecting its metaphysics to mathematics. 

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For most forms of programming mathematics is not very important. What type of thing are you doing?

I suggested the following in another thread about this here a while back:

“I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter, from whence derives the famous idea of the "strange loop". You might also like David Foster Wallace's book Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity, tracing the work of mathematicians like Georg Cantor.

It is claimed that Plato only ever gave one public lecture titled 'On The Good'. He spent the whole time talking about mathematics, leaving most of the attendees puzzled. Unfortunately, this lecture has not been passed down, but Pythagoras also used mathematics as the ideal vehicle for expressing metaphysics and philosophy. His surviving works have been compiled in the book Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie. You could also investigate practices such as Gematria and the use of numerology in the Kabbalah.

Mathematics today has almost entirely lost its essential nature and is largely the whore of the physical sciences and man's lust for technological power. At best, it is the more or less idle luxury of an elite class of ivory-tower academics who know nothing of true spirituality. On this note, the best book that I can recommend to you is The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus by René Guénon.”

The last book I mentioned is the best. Guénon would have crushed Spiral Dynamics like an insect but he was at least “Stage Yellow”.

Hope this is helpful to you!

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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@Oeaohoo that is a good list. Thanks a bunch! 

I was thinking about cyber security and eventually I want to become a full stack developer. 

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Deep Simplicity (chaos theory) and Infinity and the Mind (infinity in many varieties)

GEB is great for understanding fundamental pure math ideas about the limits of logic, and it's certainly a Yellow book, but it is rigidly materialistic and misses the very heart of nonduality despite bumping its head into over and over.  He even has chapters on Zen and just can't grasp consciousness to save his life and tirelessly confuses it with mind.  I wasn't as impressed by this book as Leo, it was mostly cute cleverness and a whole lot of work.

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Why are you projecting the spiral dynamics model onto math? How can mathematics be stage orange or stage yellow? Like you just don't want examples with dollar signs in them or what? Do you think there's stage orange calculus and stage yellow calculus?

Edited by Yarco

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Why do you want to be a programmer? Is it your life purpose or part of it? 

Don't wait for things to get better. Take proactive action.

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