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Meta-physical insight about food

4 posts in this topic

This thread could easily be placed in Personal Development or in the Spirituality section, so someone might move it, if a discussion becomes too meta-physical.

So what I noticed in my last awakening was, that consciousness does not need food to survive. Food is completely imaginary. Its completely irrelevant what you put in your mouth for your consciousness to be. Consciousness could just as easily construct a reality, where food is not needed. Plants for example do not choose, what to eat, they just absord light energy. So they are not pressured with the responsebility of eating the right or wrong stuff. 

However, as you noticed food is a pretty big deal in ones life. The impact of food onto your health, mood, energy, sleep, strength and even social interations and business is tremendous. TREMENDOUS. And not only what you eat. Its also HOW you eat, and how long you do NOT eat. Also, what you do while eating, and with whom you eat. And also what body type and blood type you have. So many more variables and aspects, I can't list them all. 

But, essentially the role of food is, to test you, how loving you already are to yourself. If you are not loving reality, you just eat to not be hungry. But if you already care about yourself/reality, than food is this major opportunity, to integrate the aspects of the "outer world" with your "inner system". 

This love than snowballs into health and energy. Not loving food and your "inner system" snowballs into depression and anger. And ultimately both sets of states lead you to more consciousness and love.


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I could also posit that one loves reality too much so he only eats not to be hungry, and of course if one is loving he will eat good foods. More important things to do than to experience food :x

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3 hours ago, Vynce said:

consciousness does not need food to survive.

Your awakening is not complete. God demands bacon ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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A more practical insight I just had in regards to food is that to the degree that you are conscious you want to live as autochthonous as possible and to the degree that your food, clothes, material are locally produced you close the feedback loop between you and the source of said resources, thus creating less unwanted externalities while creating local communities that are less fragile to chaos (e.g. food shortages caused by warfare). 

These local communities could then trade with other local communities to get more fancy stuff and so on in a fractally manner. In case of a crisis these fractal communities would still be able to decouple from the other ones and survive off their own shit. And in times of peace we could all scale up again.

Be the change you want to see.

Edited by Nilsi

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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