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A wrong view of "Being smart"

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"Being smart" is typically a goal many people have, especially in the spiritual, academic fields. We can attempt to by conforming to standards, talking in more elaborate ways, using more complex words or just in general fitting into a personality or role that we see others play or people we admire. 

This is wrong. Let me tell you why:

Being smart is not about fitting into a role, being like somebody for following a specific paradigm. It's much more simple than that.

"Being smart" is about joining that pool of knowledge. A pool that is accessible to us all. This pool contains soo much information. It's about learning how to swim, going deeper and being able to hold your breath more, being able to map out the pool, know which direction you're going, and being able to hold more and more of that pool within your mind. 

The collective consciousness holds this HUGE pool of knowledge that allows us to extract, examine and learn from the information given to us. All we have to do is jump into it, swim, and learn about it. And that isn't so hard, we can all do that. 


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