
Collapse of Dualities

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Cognition is the biggest obstacle to Enlightenment.

Atman is not a realization, it cannot be achieved, it’s always present, however, it is hidden!

The reason you cannot become IT because your thoughts are superimposed on the Being (Amness/Atman) which in terms creates the illusion of ego, false knowledge of your true nature.

“I am…” is the thought, root of all suffering and all the falsehood is dancing around this cognition, and enforced by it, by I AM something.

Guys, I want to share with you step by step practice that helped to recognize impersonal awareness.

Disclaimer: there is no doer in this process, there is no “I”, “me”, blah blah blah. Using these nouns to help others, no more, no less.

Step one: Observer and observation: notice the thoughts and notice something/someone who observes them. This is your mind creating the split between the observation and the observer.

Step two: Observer and the Void! State of mind where it masquerades itself under the guise of void. No thoughts state is still your mind’s games. One is creating the state of silence, another is watching that silence (both of them are your mind) . Still two! Notice it. Background. Space. The absence of any thoughts is still…..a subtle game. Still separation because one is noticing and the other is thinking, even this void, no thoughts is still a separation, meditative space in your mind is still a separation, because there is a cognition that meditations occur to someone, void occurs to someone, in this case minds pretends its void, it can even pretend to be quiet and non-talkative, but notice mind is still there, so funny. Still two. You and another you which still thinks there is no mind, aka some progress hahahah. I was stuck in this phase years and years.

Step three: total collapse of the cognition, final surrender.

In this state of Being, you won’t be able to recognize any void, any space, any observer with the observable. You become literally Reality itself. There won’t be any inner/outer separation. You look at the chair, you become a chair and observation of it, nut now you are aware and one. Observer is not there any longer.  If there is still a notion/cognition or any separation, you haven’t got it. If any thoughts that follow/above/beyond this cognition is still a mind.

If you are fully present, in the state of Being, if you become what you see, literally, you won’t be able to register “I” on top of the experience. There won’t be any room for the observer and the observation. It is nothingness! Awareness which is not aware of Itself! You won’t be able to register or observe any experience. You won’t have any cognition. But you will exist as an experience. How cool is that?

The only way you will be able to register it, understand, cognize is a post factum, in the retrospection. But not when you are it!

Because pure consciousness can only become either one, no two! It will be either the non-cognitive experience, or the thought ( I am the observer of the experience). Two different states of Being.

You real face is in the absence of any image, experience, cognition. Just a pure non-dual awareness!


Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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