
Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey - suggested Netflix documentary about a Christian cult

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On 17/06/2022 at 11:49 AM, Brivido said:

Highly suggested. 

   Good example of a cult that is mostly stage blue. Finally some documentaries worth watching Netflix, but they still have to stop copying other services and raising the subscrption fees though.

   Also, Netflix has a left wing bias, don't forget it.

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19 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

what did you take from it?

It's an incredible look on how selfish the human mind can become. Rulon Jeffs, the father of Warren Jeffs, was 92 years old and had countless young wives, he knew exactly what he was doing, exploiting the naivety of other people. The son learned from him how to direct a cult. Very disturbing indeed.

Moreover, plenty of epistemological insights about how the mind of someone can become indoctrinated from a young age. If you were born in such a cult, you were basically poisoned with dogma from birth and wouldn't have been able to consider anything else as truth, other than the truth that you were brought up with. 

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