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Insight about letting go?

2 posts in this topic

 life is happening as it is , do you have a separate will from life? Do you have resistance to the way life turns out? Do you think it’s wrong, and that it should be otherwise? Do you think this is not the natural or divine course of things and that you should replace God and run the world?

The funny thing is that people read that last question and in their heads say, “Of course not! That would be ridiculous!” But I tell you the world is filled with 8 billion dictators, who want to dictate to life how it should go. They have their separate will  or desire, AND they are attached to it. That is, they live life attached to outcomes. They believe their happiness depends on the desired outcome occurring.

This kind of happiness is relative, of course. It depends on how things flow in life. When they flow as you wanted, you call that happiness; when they don’t, you feel sad, miserable, angry, annoyed, etc.
But the sage knows of a happiness that is not dependent on what happens, but is simply there by default when there is no argument with life.

At some point, if it is God’s will, an understanding may take place that there is no control and no one to be in control. When this happens, there is still desire, but no attachment to the desire or the outcome.

Of course desire is natural and one need not get rid of it ,but believing that the desired object or outcome holds your happiness is where you trip yourself. When awakening occurs, one lives as though in two dimensions or level. The first is the relative, where the character continues on as before. What does that mean? It means there is always desire for pleasure and comfort and to make life as pleasurable and comfortable as can be. All animals have this, naturally, and humans are animals, no matter what they think. But in a deeper dimension within, there is this total ease and peace with what is. It’s as though it doesn’t really matter how things turn out. And this relaxation actually comes with the realization of “no control.” You’d think that when it is understood that there is no control, you’d be frightened and panic. But that’s only when you resist it. When you completely accept it, there is something indescribable, which is called Moksha.or liberation. 

What you really want is God. Call it consciousness, call it Self, call it armpit. But your mistake is seeking God in the flow of time, events, outcomes. God is inside of you. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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