
What is eternity? (not infinity)

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If reality is infinite, and infinity includes infinite experiences, that would include repetitions of what already happened for infinite times? And that would mean that eternity is equivalent to the non-existence of time? 

Does something that already happened, can happen again forever?

My confusion comes because if infinity has no end, then why not keep supplying new over old? But then that would compromise the understanding of infinity too, because infinity would include all, including the new and the repetitions of the old, and also neither would be new or old because they exist forever, and because of that forever, then metrics of time just become useless.

I imagine an analogy of a videogames console (infinity), that contains infinite videogames to play (experiences), and the hours you choose to play them (eternity), but the console is the only thing that there is and there's an infinite catalogue so the only thing you can do is play and play, then replay some game you liked, then play another experience and so on forever because there's nothing else to do, there's only that console and that's it, never breaks lol. It is an accurate analogy? You have one better to explain it to me?

Just a note. Understanding the limit of the analogy. For infinity, everything would be already a replay of the game, it already happened and can happen again forever right? There's nothing new or old about it because in eternity, events are no a matter of time, but of looking.

Idk, it seems inconprehensible but also kinda makes sense in concept. 

This is indeed a mind-fuck lol. 

This is maybe a vague understanding exclusively from a logical stand-point I guess.

Edited by Prana_y4na

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Time doesn't exist linearly in the absolute perspective.

Infinity implies eternity. 

Eternity is timeless. 

All that can and can't exist, exists/doesn't exist.

All concepts and separation collapse into one.

The analogy is correct if you ARE the console, the games, the game maker, the player, the concept of playing, the concept of a game, the concept of you, and the concept of this analogy as a whole. 

All that can and can't happen, will/will not happen, all possibilities are included.

Old or new are relative concepts that don't apply to God (in the absolute perspective).   

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Every moment is eternal, outside of time and space.

You cannot conceptualize eternity nor infinity.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Time appears relative to the observer.

If you were moving forward at the same rate as time, you would not notice time moving forward. Your vantage point is that of timelessness.


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I can not explain in words, I don’t think that’s possible. As leo said you can’t conceptualise it. But encountering eternity is to this very day the most freakish, I say thing, but that’s because I don’t know how else to express it, but it is for me upto now, the most freakish thing I’ve ever encountered. Can not put into words how odd, in comparison to what you think has been going on your whole life, what a true realisation of eternity is like. And the dawning of the fact that you are eternal yourself is the strangest thing

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I think you should try to understand eternity only if you want to have fun by giving yourself mind-fucks! 

I don't think that it's possible to understand eternity by thinking, our thinking mind is so limited. 

But there are ways that your mind can become aware of eternity. Sometimes it just happens!

For me, in one of my mushroom trips (5gr), some wolf/God figure which suddenly appeared in my mind made me realize that the only way that the "present moment" and "time" (my concept of time) can exist, is because that the universe is infinite. If there was no infinity, now would have not been now. (I hope that makes sense, it's hard for me to explain)

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Infinitely large piece of paper...

A series of sketched events play out on it. Linear events. A sketched little man walking around a park or something...

Now stop looking at the sketched events, and look at the paper. The paper is eternity. It's not just a really long time. It doesn't have time. Time is what appears in it, just like that. Get it?

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A couple of days later, reflecting. I was just deluding myself, better I shut up and do the work. I'm looking forward to psychedelics now, rather than mental masturbation.

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