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How to meet new people in a small town

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Im currently in highschool. Its summer break, i want to go somewhere with my friends but they all just finding excuses

There are lots of teens here in my town but they are not outside. The only time u can meet them is when you at a party. 

Also there are no programs here. I should go travel with bus to a bigger city do something there but my friends dont go


The only place i go here in my town regularly is gym

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2 hours ago, ShardMare said:

I should go travel with bus to a bigger city do something there but my friends dont go

You could go alone.

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If you like sports, sports teams could be a good start.

Theatre groups could be another.

Then invite them to places you want to go to.


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In public places like parks, lake, cafe, gym/training garden, etc.

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