
So it looks like Teal Swan is finally being exposed.

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Some good info in this video.

Not sure how true this guy's stories are. But if they are true then it's very damning for Teal.

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And this:

Very damning if even half of this is true.

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People are too focused on the pros and cons. Her head is now too big for spirituality. I would be fired on the spot if I acted all sexual and said the words she has spoken on her videos. Irresponsible woman. 

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

And this:

Very damning if even half of this is true.

Have you seen this?? 

I posted it 3 times already. Extremely key to know her absolutely f*cked upbringing. I wonder how did she turn out so functional after a this hell. 

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21 minutes ago, mmKay said:

I posted it 3 times already. Extremely key to know her absolutely f*cked upbringing. I wonder how did she turn out so functional after a this hell.

Yeah, it's very fucked up, assuming it's true. But that's what's in question according to videos above.

I don't really like trying to adjudicate this shit. It's too much she said, he said. A bunch of human drama distracting from awakening.

It's also not clear how functional she is. She talks about all sorts of mental disorders, suicide, etc. If she truly was abused in the manner she claims, I expect her to be dysfunctional even after lots of spiritual work. And that would explain why she choose to live in this communal way where everyone has to serve and protect her emotionally.

If she had to spend a year living alone, would she try to kill herself? That's my hunch at this point. Which would be very problematic.

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It seems to me like Teal lies non-stop, but she's so good at it that it's almost impossible to notice. That's why I think she's a psychopath.

Anyway, I haven't looked into her work that much and maybe she really does have a lot of helpful advice, but I think the way she offers her stuff isn't good in general. It would be better to make her work more regulated, with clear boundaries etc.. Working with people with mental illness is extremely tricky and I don't think Teal fully realizes on how many levels she can screw up here.

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26 minutes ago, acidgoofy said:

Working with people with mental illness is extremely tricky and I don't think Teal fully realizes on how many levels she can screw up here.

Yeah. There are clear reasons why a psychologist or a psychiatrist is regulated and need to work in a controlled way, in order to defend the patients as much as possible.

From an ethical standpoint, it doesn't look good to experiment on severly mentally ill people to see what technique will work to who and with what conditions. Even though, it seems that some of these techniques can work for a number of people with different conditions, but from an ethical standpoint it looks bad.

Now, the problem comes when you create such a public image, where you look like an omniscient goddess (or at the very least, you say that you are the very best at healing people and that is one of the core pillars of your business model) and then there are still people who you can't give any help or you make their condition worse. Why is that bad? Because in their head they will think something like this: "if the best person in the healing field can't help me to heal, then who the fuck will be able to help me and how the fuck will i be able to solve any of these problems?".

The solution would be to be more humble, and more receptive to criticism and to give a more realistic image about your service to your patients.

I understand that from a marketing outlook it doesn't look better if you are more honest, but if we really care about people's mental health, then it should be a basic thing to do.

Edited by zurew

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To be fair, many therapists and psychologists, although they are regulated, have no clue how to help traumatized people and have no clue about important spiritual concepts.

So as you consider the people Teal hurts, also consider the people that mainstream psychology and medicine hurts. Just because some treatment aligns with regulations does not mean it is helping people. You also have to consider how many people go to therapists and still end up killing themselves.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

So as you consider the people Teal hurts, also consider the people that mainstream psychology and medicine hurts.

Yes, but the difference is the public image and also the expectations.

Edited by zurew

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2 minutes ago, zurew said:

Yes, but the difference is the public image.

Yeah, well, you should understand why I cannot take that seriously.

What matters is truth and helping people. Not what normies are comfortable with.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yeah, well, you should understand why I cannot take that seriously.

When it comes to this context (Teal swan as the best healer in the world) it has its own weight on this problem. Now,  i would be down to criticise the mainstream system and psychologist and psychiatrists (i am not holding they upper compared to Teal) , but this thread is about the potential problems with Teal, thats why i brought it up.

4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

What matters is truth and helping people. Not what normies are comfortable with.

Exactly, the truth and helping people. Thats why she should show a more realistic image about her approach and about her ability to heal people.

Edited by zurew

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12 minutes ago, zurew said:

When it comes to this context (Teal swan as the best healer in the world) it has its own weight on this problem. Now,  i would be down to criticise the mainstream system and psychologist and psychiatrists (i am not holding they upper compared to Teal) , but this thread is about the potential problems with Teal, thats why i brought it up.

Of course you should not take her claims of being the best in the world seriously.

But the potential problems with Teal must be considered relative to the other alternatives. It is improper to evaluate Teal without considering who else might be helping these suffering and traumatized people. For example, I would rather have Teal help a suicidal person vs the suicidal person having no help at all (which is very common) or going to some psych ward where they are pumped full of drugs and told that spirituality is just a mental disorder.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It is improper to evaluate Teal without considering who else might be helping these suffering and traumatized people.

Yeah i agree with this. I just think that the public image issue could be solved with a relatively low cost (her marketing wouldn't be that powerful ,so she would lose potential patients and of course money).

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Part 4:


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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Some good info in this video.

Not sure how true this guy's stories are. But if they are true then it's very damning for Teal.

Yeah, Teal Swan is indeed a narcissist / psychopath.

It's interesting how most leaders of big groups are the most narcissistic and selfish people you could think of. People are blind...

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Lol I just watched the documentary Teal is an ENTJ btw. Shes a completely deluded nut job, very confrontational and intimidating, has created a system of self serving beliefs and coerces and intimadates weaker people into following them - if they are questioned at all, she bullies intimidates and expells them from the group. I laughed the whole way through the documentary, it's just pure cosplaying lol.


These environments are nothing but a pantomine and facade, all built around fulffing the narcistitic needs of a seriusly damaged Teal Swan


The most interesting thing for me, is how it isn't patently obvious to other people, how do they fall for it? She preys on the most damaged broken in society, hopefully some sort of government agency will shut her down, and she gets some help and healing

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Assessment of Teal by a pro psychologist.

Now they need to expose the Smart guy from Infinite Waters, Diving Deep. He's another coo-coo case. No wonder Teal and him are close friends, like two peas in a pod.

Edited by Natasha

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@Natasha Yeah, Ralph Smart is concerning… 

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I don't know why but the "mental health field" seems to attract this. I've known some therapists like this as well, it might seem like they're helping you but in the end it can feel like they're just using you to feed their ego and to get money from you. They do good work sometimes, but when it comes time to let the person go, some have trouble doing so and tend to perpetuate the relationship needlessly. It makes me think alot of these "healer" types are actually trying to heal themselves through their clients. The ones who can help and not be attached to their clients (whether it's emotionally or financially) are somewhat rare.

Edited by puporing

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11 hours ago, aurum said:

I have not seen the documentary so I don’t know what has or hasn’t been exposed. But from what I’ve seen from Teal’s videos, her work is deeply insightful and nuanced. She clearly has a high degree of consciousness.

If she is indeed exploiting her followers / inner circle, that’s shitty and should be exposed. But it sounds like the documentary has blown things out of proportion.

Trying to get the average person to understand Teal and her teaching’s is almost an impossible task.

I can barely force myself to finish the first episode. Its on Hulu for free if you want to watch it. I'll force myself to finish it reluctantly but its long. 

What I do know, is dealing with groups of mentally unstable people as an individual is tough. Because each person is living out the their trauma in the present moment either at the same time or sporadically and as one person that is a lot of fearful people lashing out. If you are NOT strong at enforcing boundaries, or have some unresolved traumas yourself they will trigger you, and pull you into their emotional vortex.

Its funny, people on the outside looking in will judge Teal, but if you put them in her same position many would probably react much worse. This is not absolve any of her negative behavior but for people in general to understand that context matters.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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