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Meditation, no-mind & enlightenment

22 posts in this topic

"No mind" is not literally never thinking. It's merging your mind in the present moment. That means that instead of thinking random crap all the time, the thoughts that you actually need according to the moment will come up, without the sense of a "thinker".

This doesn't mean that if you want to think about something that's not in your direct experience (like politics for example) you can't do it. You can, but it will feel more like a concious process instead of being unconciously pulled by random thoughts.

Thinking actually gets much more effective and refined as conciousness rises. Imagination also gets amazingly boosted.

I've been practicing mindfulness troughout the day as much as possible and found no downsides whatsover. Been able to study, reason properly, do artistic practices like painting and singing, etc. 

Spiritual people value mindfulness meditation like it's the ultimate truth or reality. And  many of them have this idea that thoughts are bad and need to be annihilated. I can see why there's a problem with this view. Being present in the moment is ok but if you think that meditation alone will make you enlightened and you will know what reality is, that is just a limited view that won't get you anywhere. Just like a dog seeing everything for what is. No one says that the dog isn't more content and stress free but you have to ask yourself, is that a higher-consciousness perspective? What are you trying to achieve with this mindfulness meditation?

I know that Comparing a dog's conciousness with a meditative human's conciousness is silly.

Even in enlightened people the "mind" still functions, they wouldn't even be able to speak if it wasn't so. 

But it isn't percieved as an individual mind anymore, it is one with the field of conciousness. That's what "no-mind" means.

Mindfulness or being present is not necesarily not thinking. I could be studying and at the same time be mindful of the thoughts appearing .

Stilling your mind in meditation is done in order to gain control over it. It doesn't mean you are going to permanently erradicate thought and become mentally impaired. That's a misconception.

Meditation is not adding something new to your current experience. It's not doing. You are meditating all the time. It's just shifting focus from identifying with thoughts to the pure awareness behind it. Which is already the case as the misidentification never really occurred. It's just recognizing what's already the case

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good stuff ... to shut the mind 99% when out walking, count steps one til ten then repeat

your mind is given a repetitive task which takes 1% cpu and you are free now to go bliss mode

also look up now down, skwwards is where the god stuff is, the unawakened are glum ever looking down


can do this in the home too, count breaths, same technique in one out two in three etc.

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I think thinking is overrated. When you're not thinking is often when you're most happy. Are you even thinking when typing this kind of stuff?

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People often choose this representation of what a mindful mind is. It's either a dog or a child. And there have been users on this forum saying that babies are enlightened which is silly. Being mindful is not some higher truth or perspective and does not equal to enlightenment.

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16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And there have been users on this forum saying that babies are enlightened which is silly.

The original idea of saying that is probably pointing out that the baby hasn't developed an illusory separate sense of self yet along with all the social conditioning which occurs as the body grows.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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1 hour ago, VeganAwake said:

The original idea of saying that is probably pointing out that the baby hasn't developed an illusory separate sense of self yet along with all the social conditioning which occurs as the body grows.


Enlightenment has nothing to do with the ego, enlightenment has everything to do with awareness. The extent of a human awareness is not in any way predicated by the presence or absence of an ego.

The awareness of babies is very limited.

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On 6/15/2022 at 1:44 AM, Someone here said:

Being present in the moment is ok but if you think that meditation alone will make you enlightened and you will know what reality is, that is just a limited view that won't get you anywhere.

Being present is all I need. What is "knowing what reality is" anyway? I don't know what it is nor do I care, I just want maximum inner peace.

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7 minutes ago, SeaMonster said:

Being present is all I need. What is "knowing what reality is" anyway? I don't know what it is nor do I care, I just want maximum inner peace.

How can you have peace when you don't know what the heck reality is ? Do you realize that you have no idea whatsoever what reality is ?

We live in it. Not understanding that which you live in will make you nervous, distraught, worried, even paranoid.

You know all those people that lash out and claim conspiracies left and right? Not all of them have a diagnosis that give them paranoid delusions, some simply cannot understand the reality they live in, it is just too complicated and hard to get one’s head around.

The need to understand the reality that we live in is bred into us and cannot be taken away, so when we lack an understanding, sometimes we will rather make up stuff about reality ,no matter how nonsensical , as long as we understand it.

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Enlightenment has nothing to do with the ego, enlightenment has everything to do with awareness. The extent of a human awareness is not in any way predicated by the presence or absence of an ego.

The awareness of babies is very limited.

You're not enlightened so how are you saying it's this or that?

I'm not enlightened either.

Edited by Chrisd

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8 minutes ago, Chrisd said:

You're not enlightened so how are you saying it's this or that?

I'm not enlightened either.

I've had few awakenings here and there .

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14 minutes ago, Someone here said:

How can you have peace when you don't know what the heck reality is ? Do you realize that you have no idea whatsoever what reality is ?

Reality is reality. Defining A in terms of B doesn't really change the nature of A, does it? It merely restates it.

14 minutes ago, Someone here said:

We live in it. Not understanding that which you live in will make you nervous, distraught, worried, even paranoid.

Not if I'm present. If I'm present then I'm not worrying about the future - by definition.

14 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The need to understand the reality that we live in is bred into us and cannot be taken away, so when we lack an understanding, sometimes we will rather make up stuff about reality ,no matter how nonsensical , as long as we understand it.

I don't have to "understand reality" -- I merely need to surrender and accept "what is." If you're talking about some sociological/political/economic model of reality, what does that have to do with spirituality or enlightenment, and how does that affect how I react to things that I don't like and don't want to happen? If I'm in a state of acceptance, then whatever happens, happens. 


Edited by SeaMonster

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

I've had few awakenings here and there .

You had awakenings to God, not enlightenment, correct?

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9 hours ago, Chrisd said:

You had awakenings to God, not enlightenment, correct?

They are synonymous. 

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If you awaken you may see.

If you see you may seek to understand.

If you seek to understand you may try to know.

If you try to know you may find everything is unknown.

The known is “I am”.

Everything else cannot be known or understood.

This is reality.

It’s neither important nor unimportant;

It just is.

Edited by Someone here

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reality is infinite emptiness. As an ego, the infinite emptiness terrifies you, since it shows your unreality. divides you by infinity, and the result is zero. There is nothing worse. as an ego, you prefer to be tortured than to be divided by infinity. so you don't stop thinking for a moment, since thinking makes you "something". every thought is a form in the void. you link one after another and maintain the (stressful) illusion of being you.

a cat understands reality much better. it just is, it's an experience. does not know that there is a cat, because there is not. cat is an idea. what there is is the experience, the smell, the touch. The cat is not afraid of the empty infinity because it doesn't know that it is a cat. It's just the empty infinity happening 

we, as social humans who use language and connect to each other like serial processors to create a more powerful processor, or collective ego, fall hopelessly into the ego trap. we create an illusory entity that is the self. see you from outside. we are not the experience, like the cat, but we are a ghostly entity created by the mind that leaves the experience in the background. the attachment to this entity is great. even when its falsity is seen it seems impossible to abandon it. The reality is that everything you can think of is nothing. It's not right or wrong, it's just unreal. what is real is direct experience

Edited by Breakingthewall

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21 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

reality is infinite emptiness. As an ego, the infinite emptiness terrifies you, since it shows your unreality. divides you by infinity, and the result is zero. There is nothing worse. as an ego, you prefer to be tortured than to be divided by infinity. so you don't stop thinking for a moment, since thinking makes you "something". every thought is a form in the void. you link one after another and maintain the (stressful) illusion of being you.

a cat understands reality much better. it just is, it's an experience. does not know that there is a cat, because there is not. cat is an idea. what there is is the experience, the smell, the touch. The cat is not afraid of the empty infinity because it doesn't know that it is a cat. It's just the empty infinity happening 

we, as social humans who use language and connect to each other like serial processors to create a more powerful processor, or collective ego, fall hopelessly into the ego trap. we create an illusory entity that is the self. see you from outside. we are not the experience, like the cat, but we are a ghostly entity created by the mind that leaves the experience in the background. the attachment to this entity is great. even when its falsity is seen it seems impossible to abandon it. The reality is that everything you can think of is nothing. It's not right or wrong, it's just unreal. what is real is direct experience

Trees, birds, animals and the whole universe is already enlightened. They don't have any other way of being.

Only humans are not enlightened because they have free will. Humans can become animals and divine also. Assassins and rapists are examples of becoming animals. Whereas Krishna, Jesus, Buddha are the example of humans becoming divine.

Every human being on earth is potentially enlightened and enlightenment is a journey from false to truth, from darkness to light.

Enlightenment of animals and birds is unconscious and it is like enlightenment of kids. They are awake but they are unconscious, whereas enlightenment of humans is conscious.

Like the madness of mad is unconscious, whereas madness of enlightened beings is conscious.

An enlightened being is consciously mad.

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@Someone here 

Well, really most of animals are most of time busy with the survival, so they have no space to emptiness. We are full of thoughts, they are full of survival work, so that's why a person can be absolutely empty of everything and totally enlightened , or as you said, conciouss of being enlightened, and the animals can't, same that the babys, full of learning work . They are more pure than an ego because they are the direct experience but not really enlightened , they can't go deep . Well, maybe some of them could, who knows 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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5 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

@Someone here 

Well, really most of animals are most of time busy with the survival, so they have no space to emptiness. We are full of thoughts, they are full of survival work, so that's why a person can be absolutely empty of everything and totally enlightened , or as you said, conciouss of being enlightened, and the animals can't, same that the babys, full of learning work . They are more pure than an ego because they are the direct experience but not really enlightened , they can't go deep . Well, maybe some of them could, who knows 


 animal is what it is.

An animal doesn't have to see through mental concepts, an animal doesn't have to push through a mind to see to the other side. And animal is what it is.

An animal doesn't have to practice silencing thoughts to be able to simply experience what is, right now. An animal doesn't know there is anything other than right now.

An animal doesn't have to practice being in the “present moment”. An animal is never anywhere, or anytime, else.

An animal has no need for enlightement.

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23 hours ago, Someone here said:

Enlightenment has nothing to do with the ego,

Exactly because enlightenment is the recognition that the ego was an unreal identity from start!

enlightenment has everything to do with awareness.

You were taught/assume that!!

Enlightenment is never what ego believes it will be like.....ego fabricates these illusions!

The extent of a human awareness is not in any way predicated by the presence or absence of an ego.

So-called human awareness ends with the extent of the conditioned monkey minds limitations.....period!!

You don't have some alternative thinking process.......thats just more monkey mind/ego hijacking  thought identification! 

The awareness of babies is very limited.

Notice though.....a baby is not having these apparent identity/existential issues either.

Trust me bro, I know what "die hard" seeking feels's an endless struggle....exhausting actually, mentally and physically!


It could be said that enlightenment is the end of suffering because it's recognized that there never was a someone suffering to begin with!






“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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