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Hello from Russia

Art is more fundamental than Rationality. Yoga > Long term planning.

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Recently I was contemplating a topic of when one should have kids. 

When you contemplate such topics it is very easy to instantly summon into your awareness a bunch of "good" criteria, a sort of PERFECT conditions that is a very good idea to meet before seriously going after this endevour. And especially you start to think that this "good" criteria is applicable to all humans. And if only the whole globe would be more "rational" and "wise" and follow yours or simillar criterias, what a world that woule be?

But this is a load of horseshit!

Why try to meticulously analyze and rationalize every move you want to do with your life? Always be checking in with some "high wisdom" of sorts.

Isn't it what takes the actual magic of life away? doesn't it take away the fundamental art of your being away? which is following your innate most authentic intuitive desires for their own sake, despite the possibility of them being very irrational

Why the fuck always be rational? In my opinion there is where stage yellow cognition starts to fall off. Why always be rational? You can't really fully take in the beauty of life if you're always looking for some kind of epistemic PERMISSION to do a certain thing. Instead of just becoming this thing just for a sheer desire and enjoyment of it. Just because for some reason you decided to BE IT, to take such a form. Just for its own sake, just for the sake of creation

This is where most of us fall short on this forum, in my opinion. We always seek to invent/find some type of authority that would "guide" us and tell what's good and wrong. So we can then pretend that we are doing something "good" and rational. That we are "good  boys" (And "good girls"). Why play this silly game at all? Why not just do things more for the art sake?

So that is basically some thoughts that I had the other day, would be cool to hear some of your perspectives on the topic as well 

Edited by Hello from Russia

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I agree. It's like trying to create music while always thinking about music theory instead of letting it happen naturally.

The most beautiful things in life were not planned out in detail. They fell into place naturally.

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