
I'm Going To Drop Out Of University

7 posts in this topic

I made a thread not too long ago saying that I was thinking about dropping out. 

Well, I'm definitely leaving.

I'm terrified though. 

I don't know what my next move is. 

University was always the aim, and then get a Graduate job. 

Now I have no clue

I'm in debt, and have no business ideas, and am not really in love with anything in particular (yet). 

I'll probably go back to my parents for the summer, and then probably try to leave the nest for good because being back at home will be poison for me mentally. 

How do I progress in life with getting a job and such, with no degree?

I know this phase in my life is going to be pretty lonely and isolating. I already don't have many friends, and I have zero truly close friends, but you know, struggle can breed strength. It'll be even more isolating when I leave for a new city (country?)

Any advice/tips?

Edited by dboyle

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No advice but YES!!! You did it, you got this. Everytime I quit a job I would just be so happy I did instead of being worried about what I'm gonna eat from now on lol. Which I'm not telling not to give a fuck anymore (Maybe I am) but hey did you what you wanted to. It's probably gonna suck a lot but good thing happiness is a state of mind not things or situations.

I'll be your friend if you need one.

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Why are you leaving college?  What is the reason? How many years you completed and lastly what is your plan? Leaving college without a plan is like shooting yourself in the foot. Try to look for the classes you liked and change your major. Don't delude yourself about the drop off of people like Bill Gates,  Mark Zuckerberg. Yes they dropped out of college (good universities btw)  but because they found their life purpose (business) . I think college is worth completing it,  even if you don't like your major, the lesson you are going to learn are important ones.

But also don't think that having a college degree is going to give you everything easy in life,  you need to continue learning in life. 

Edited by nahtanoj

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Probably a little off topic, but why would living with your parents poison you mentally? Are those fellas that bad?

Here's my key; Philosophy. A freak like me just needs Infinity.

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College is a smart plan. Also, there's lots of billionaires and millionaires that didn't go to college. Some are happy some are not. Same at all incomes. I can tell you this, and hopefully it's useful....through my thirties I assumed making more money would make me happier. I have been fortunate in that I have made a lot of money, enough to see first hand that it doesn't actually do much for me. PD is a bottomless pit. It's where life long fulfillment and happiness come from. No reason you can't make a bunch of money, but I'd say live in the now first and foremost. You're probably just being brave enought o listen to your inner self or intuition and align with it and get off the path that felt wrong to you. Have fun. Know you find what you look for. Once you know what you're looking for, don't ever stop looking. You find what you look for. 



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